2012 sketch­book

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While clear­ing up, I found an old sketch­book from 2012. Here’s some photos of some pages. There’s a weird shame about sketch­books some­times- if you’ve been through school art courses in the UK (and I imagine other coun­tries too) you have to submit your sketch­books for grad­ing by the exam­iner, making it a big deal that they have to be really nice. It doesn’t help that films and tv always show sketch­books that look like a full-on edited coffee table art book.

Then if you go to an actu­al art univer­sity the tutors spend all their time trying to drum that mind­set out of the students and get them to actu­ally use the sketch­books to explore. I still felt some weird guilt while flip­ping through this one that I hadn’t made every page perfect or used every spare scrap of paper!

Notes from a talk when I was work­ing on a course at Bedge­bury House- you can see my photos here

Never did get round to draw­ing anything based on these T.S. Eliot prompt photos.

This was some­where on the Amer­ic­an Prair­ies in the 1920s- Kansas I think

A castle in Yemen

I regret­ted colour­ing this draw­ing. It became too busy.

From a photo I took in Sofia in Bulgaria

Plot twist- turns out to be made of vinyl, but a lot of the ebay ones are quite withered look­ing these days

The names of all the differ­ent mark­er colours- so if I bought a new one I could check it wasn’t a colour I already had

Some stuff I found in the pock­et at the back. I love these Void Tick­ets train tick­et machines some­times spit out.

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