60s slides: Costi­era Amalf­itana

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Here’s some more 60s tour­ism slides from my grand­par­ents’ house (you can see others here). This time from the Amalfi Coast in south­ern Italy, now a UNESCO site. Again I have posted all 36 images. It looked pretty much the same when I was there about 10 years ago, minus the annoy­ing coach party of loud Texans who kept appear­ing every­where you looked and complain­ing there was no Taco Bell and you had to walk places. Further along the coast in Sorrento I bought a very fancy waffle-knit towel that still serves me well for trav­el­ling. The shop assist­ant seemed very confused that I wasn’t buying a whole match­ing set of them like the major­ity of their custom­ers. Afraid I could only afford one small one.

The slides were in much better condi­tion than the ones of Hercu­laneum, but still needed some care­ful colour correc­tion. Here is an uncor­rec­ted one to show the differ­ence. Lots of red and magenta casts and blobs of decay­ing green dye.

Coast outside Amalfi

Vettica di Prai­ano

La Madon­nina- the Mary shaped rock on the cliffFurore

The Marini Basin

Santa Croce

The Emer­ald Grotto

Santa Croce

Aeri­al view of Amalfi

Amalfi harbour

La Marinella, Amalfi

Torre dello Ziro. Comes up in the story of the Jaco­bean revenge drama, the Duch­ess of Malfi. My main asso­ci­ation with the play though is when it turns up in an Agatha Christie mystery. The main char­ac­ter is watch­ing the play, and gets a horrible flash­back in the strangling scene that she witnessed a simil­ar murder as a child, result­ing in a mystery to solve.

Chiostro del Para­diso, Amalfi Cathed­ral

The outside of the Cathed­ral.

Inside of the cathed­ral.

Crypt of Saint Andrew inside the cathed­ral.

Cathed­ral interi­or.

Pageant acting out the early medi­ev­al glory days of the Duchy of Amalfi


Fornilla, Posit­ano




Perform­ance of Wagner’s Parsi­fal at Ravello – he was inspired to write the opera while visit­ing here



Atrani from the air

Minori from the air

Maiori from the air

Amalfi from the air







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