Don’t Put Out

The other week I was in Brighton to see Ladies and Gentle­men the Fabulous Stains, a forgot­ten film from the 80s about a fiction­al all-girl punk band with Diane Lane, Ray Winstone (yes, really), Paul Simonon and half of the Sex Pistols. They’ve star­ted doing a cinema club at the West Hill Hall show­ing cult films with bands play­ing after­wards. This time the bands were Trash Kit and Woolf. I found out about it when I was at the copi­ers and the guy in front of me was copy­ing flyers and we got chat­ting and swapped zines and flyers. I wish that kind of thing happened to me more often. A good even­ing filled with friends and good feel­ings. Bands and film recom­men­ded. I want to be back in Brighton. ( I decided to go not via London to see if the cheap­er tick­et was worth the both­er- it wasn’t, it took me 4 hours and between 4-7 trains each way)


The other day I was round my dad’s. It was a sunny day, and I didn’t fancy spend­ing the whole day cooped up indoors. I got my dad to give me a lift up to Kit’s Coty, a strange isol­ated place nearby, which has the remains of a Neolith­ic barrow there. The barrow isn’t very evid­ent these days, but the gate into the tomb is still there. There are more houses round there than I’d thought, all detached with big gates and long drives and beware of the dog signs, and on unpaved roads. It was totally quiet and a bit David Lynchish round there.

Idly Draw­ing

Seeing as I’m meant to be an art student, I thought it was time I did some draw­ing. I feel rusty at draw­ing. Here’s a draw­ing I made earli­er sitting in the Castle Gardens after I signed on at the dole. Sign­ing on always puts me in a foul mood, there’s just some­thing about Chath­am dole office, but draw­ing in the sunshine made me feel a little better. I think the drawing’s a little bland though. I think I should’ve made the left tree black shaded too, for better compos­i­tion, but I was just draw­ing what I saw, one decidu­ous tree, and one ever­green.

A Bee See

On Friday I checked out my friend Pete’s gig, and then went to Moogie Wonderland’s Sipping Sessions event at a local cafe. This is Bee (short for Bian­cha) who’s one of the people who organ­ises it. She’s very photo­gen­ic, and enjoys having her photo taken, which is great as far as I’m concerned.

Anniver­saire de Victoire

On Saturday I went to Brighton for Vicky’s birth­day. When I arrived at her flat, she had a full birth­day tea laid out with all kinds of treats and drinks, and a red velvet cake that looked like a giant cupcake. Every­one should do that for their birth­day, it was so much fun

Forgot­ten Holgas

Anoth­er forgot­ten film scanned, Holga + Fuji Provia 400 xpro. This was my test roll for the Holga. You can see the other photos here, they’re not very excit­ing.

Mystery film- pleas­ant but bland

I’ve got a whole load of unscanned negat­ives here which I’m slowly work­ing my way through. There was a whole film of pictures of this place with a lake, but I have abso­lutely no idea where it is, or when I took the photos. I also have no idea what camera I used for these, but the film is Kodak Ekta­chrome 160 Tung­sten, cross-processed. The pictures are pleas­ant but bland, and I’ve got a real feel­ing this was a test roll to see if some­thing worked right/​was any good (char­ity shop camera? lens found in someone’s loft and given to me? who knows). Whatever it was seems to work fine.

Et Tu Moogie?

Last night I went to Moogie Wonder­land. It was Ides of March themed this time, and I made them some stuff.

This is a projec­tion on the life of Juli­us Caesar made with card­board and chro­makey. It’s clunky as hell, and there’s no way I’ll use it for uni, but I got it done in time for the event, and that’s what matters in this instance. (Also the audi­ence is drunk people, and they’re not known for their attent­ive­ness or atten­tion to detail). My main beef with it is there’s too much text (it was the only way I could think of to get the story across when I didn’t have time to do more soph­ist­ic­ated anim­a­tion) and most of the silhou­ettes are too basic. I’m going to remake it, with much better compos­i­tions and just gener­ally at a high­er, more soph­ist­ic­ated level.

I don’t wanna join yr club, I don’t want yr kind of love (Typic­al Grrls v2)

So we had the second Typic­al Girls last week. It was more success­ful than the first, we had 20-25 people there. They were all people we didn’t know as well, which was surpris­ing. I made 50 lurid pink cakes covered in edible glit­ter, and played some Patti Smith and Comet Gain this time. Tukru brought a table full of zines and fundrais­ing stuff for her roller derby team and played some Nicki Minaj and slipped in a bit of Lady Gaga, which made me pull a face. All the cakes got eaten, and even the old men who lurk down the end of the bar had a good time. Hope­fully more people and more dancing next time.

Categorised as Music

Tint­a­gel- Mosk­va 5

My ex-boyfriend’s family used to go to Corn­wall every summer, and we used to join them, me usually lugging a whole load of photo stuff on the train down. These were taken at Tint­a­gel.

I know it’s too late, I’m lost in a forest

Next in my mammoth scan­ning session, tree abstracts. Made by putting 35mm film into a 120 camera (in this case a holga) and then delib­er­ately over­pro­cessing the result­ing film to give a high contrast look.

Someone Tell Me Why I Do the Things That I Don’t Want To Do

One of the many rolls of film I have sitting around wait­ing to be scanned. This is from the days when I used to live in Read­ing. I want it to be sunny now! I long for long walks and picnics and lying on the grass in the sunshine, I’m fed up of the scrag end of winter. Diana + camera & Kodak Ekta­chrome 100 cross-processed.

Caesar ‘ad some jam for tea

I haven’t updated this for a little while, and I’ve built up a back­log of things to write about

Things I need to write about:
Brighton Zine­fest (I’ve got a whole heap of photos to sort out)
Typic­al Grrls II
Univer­sity Work
Oliv­er Post­g­ate Book
I’ve also got a whole load of films I need to scan.

Not as sad as Dostoyevsky, not as clev­er as Mark Twain

10. Alias Grace- Margaret Atwood
11. Notes from Under­ground- Fyodor Dostoyevsky
12. Seeing Things- Oliv­er Post­g­ate
13. Letters from a Lost Uncle- Mervyn Peake
14. Queuing for Begin­ners- Joe Moran

Categorised as Books

Noth­ing to Do With Dionysus

The title’s a lie. Here’s Dionysus minus his arms and legs, and look­ing surpris­ingly cheer­ful.

I’ve been making the paper puppets for this today. I was origin­ally going to use split pins for the joints, but I’ve been read­ing Oliv­er Postgate’s auto­bi­o­graphy (highly recom­men­ded by the way) and he just used sewing thread stuck on with scotch magic tape for easy remov­al, which is a much better solu­tion, as noth­ing sticks out then. The puppets have inter­change­able heads for differ­ent expres­sions. Hope­fully I’ll get the film finished by weds the 26th when I have one of the dreaded Review of Work days at uni.


Today Tukru helped me take some photos for my uni project (someone needed to stop the camera tripod fall­ing down the hill and be able to touch things without cover­ing them in blood. Today’s myth was Pentheus & the Bacchae. I was a Bacchant/​Maenad. I got to sit around in a vest in the winter doused in fake blood, clutch­ing a mostly empty bottle of booze and a fimo human heart and trying not to squint in the unex­pec­ted Febru­ary sunshine. How I usually spend my Tues­day after­noons, really. Fake blood is surpris­ingly cold in the wind. Clear­ing up felt like we were cover­ing up a murder.

Museum of Child­hood

On Saturday morn­ing I did a zine work­shop for the Brighton Popu­lar Educa­tion Collect­ive who run a day of free classes and lectures on things like bike mech­an­ics, sewing and local history one day a month. It was the same work­shop I’ve done loads of times, and it always seems to go down well. This time I had both a lady in her 50s and a very enthu­si­ast­ic boy of about 7 there.

Categorised as UK

Baking a Human Heart

I needed a brooch in the shape of a human heart for a photo­graphy project I’m doing this week, and decided to make it out of fimo. I used to make loads of fimo stuff when I was a kid, and taught some classes to kids a while back, but I haven’t made anything in about 5 years. It was a mix of fun and frus­trat­ing, but came out as raw meaty look­ing as hoped.

Typic­al Grrls v1

So last Thursday me & Tukru had our first club­night. All-female playl­ist, free zine, free cake. It wasn’t very busy, as expec­ted for a first night that we hadn’t had a great deal of time to prepare for. Some art students came, they seemed to enjoy them­selves and certainly spent a lot at the bar, which covered our costs. About 11 it got really quiet, and the owner was tired so she decided to close early for the first one. We went home, I was feel­ing a bit disap­poin­ted. It turned out the next day that a whole load of people we knew came along about half 11, but of course the place was closed. Ah well. Next time. We’ve got a month to promote it as well.

Livre, buch, kitab

8. The Atom Station- Halldór Laxness trans. Magnus Magnus­son
9. Sweets: the History of Tempta­tion- Tim Richard­son

Categorised as Books


I’ve been a hermit since Christ­mas. Not going anywhere, and not seeing anyone much. You can’t stay at home forever, so I ventured out on Saturday, and took Tukru with me. (I drag her out of the house, she tells me when I’m being an idiot (frequently), it works out nicely). Tukru wore a purple wig.

Categorised as Music

Drink-draw­ing & Read­ing Objects

My friend Adam from art college runs a pub draw­ing game night called Drinky Doodle in Brighton. I couldn’t make the first one, but I managed to get to the second. It’s at a nice scand­inavi­an themed bar. There are assor­ted themed games where you have to either draw what’s on the card you drew out of a hat, or draw the things that are shouted out. Sadly I missed out on the That’s Life Draw­ing they did last time, where you drew stuff out of the magazine. I love those awful “REAL LIFE DRAMA” magazines.

Bathed in Ring­flash

I decided to try out my Lomo ring­flash with a film SLR over xmas. I set the camera at f 5.6/ 1/​125 for 400 asa film (I’d lost the instruc­tion sheet, and that was my best guess), but I could easily have got away with some­thing like f11.

Categorised as Photography

New Colour Zine

Little Whis­per Smoke Signs That You’ll Never Get numero uno
16 page full colour 1/​4 sized perz­ine. £1.50 + pp

I thought I’d do a zine focus­ing more on images and what I’ve been up to and photo­graph­ing rather than articles.

Categorised as Zines

Saturday crafter­noon of a Janu­ary

Tukru came round and brought me some birth­day presents (shrinky-dinks, sweets, and patches) and we had a crafter­noon. She typed up zine bits on my type­writer, which has much smal­ler type than hers, but tends to get a jammed up ribbon, and I stuck some pictures from my moun­tain of magazine cutouts into scrap­books, and we listened to Nirvana and Neut­ral Milk Hotel and the Beatles and David Bowie and Simon and Garfunkel. We ate some tofu stir­fry, and the aldi version of Ben & Jerry’s which is exactly like normal icecream, and laughed at BRIAN BLESSED’s attempt at a Greek accent in My Family and Other Anim­als (sedate fun)

Categorised as Zines

More books

4. 99 Ways to Tell a Story- Matt Madden
5. Fragile Things- Neil Gaiman

Categorised as Books

Day out with my sister

In Octo­ber, my sister came to see me in Brighton (I miss you!) with her 3 sons, dog and boyfriend in tow and we went for a walk on the beach and an excel­lent pub lunch. I took some pictures, but didn’t scan the film until recently. No spec­tac­u­lar pictures, but a nice day out.

Categorised as Photography

An excit­ing life lived in the world of books

I got this idea from Lee. Keep a running list of the books you read in one year, with a brief (or in depth depend­ing on your whims) comment on each. I’m hardly a liter­ary crit­ic, so don’t go expect­ing devast­at­ing incis­ive­ness.

You couldn’t peel me away from a book when I was young­er. I still read plenty, but I do squeeze a few other things into my life here and there.

I reregis­ted with the local library, now I’m back in Kent til whenev­er. When I asked how many books you were allowed to take out, they told me “30, and please make full use of it, we need the borrow­ings”. So I did, although I could only phys­ic­ally carry 16 home, because too many of the books I wanted were hard­backs. I have a lot of time on my hands at the moment, and not much money, and I’m feel­ing a little anti-social/mis­an­throp­ic of late, so the library is my friend.
You couldn’t peel me away from a book when I was young­er. I still read plenty, but I do squeeze a few other things into my life here and there.

I reregis­ted with the local library, now I’m back in Kent til whenev­er. When I asked how many books you were allowed to take out, they told me “30, and please make full use of it, we need the borrow­ings”. So I did, although I could only phys­ic­ally carry 16 home, because too many of the books I wanted were hard­backs. I have a lot of time on my hands at the moment, and not much money, and I’m feel­ing a little anti-social/mis­an­throp­ic of late, so the library is my friend.

Categorised as Books

Meow, meow, meow

Me & my ex-boyfriend had a cat. He was a stray who decided to move into my friends’ house, and we ended up taking him. We had him for two years as a girl named Mia, until the vet said “you do know your cat is a neutered male, right?” so he rever­ted to his origin­al name of Meow. As cats go, he was pretty good. Very affec­tion­ate, but had some­how missed out on the basic train­ing programme for the cat life­style, and so was always getting himself into scrapes like getting his claws stuck in the sofa and not know­ing what to do. Here he is hypnot­ising himself with one of those glit­ter lamps. Unfor­tu­nately he had to be put down the day before New Year’s Eve, because he was old and ill and had lost the use of his legs and couldn’t eat anymore. Good­bye Meow.

Stuff I’d like to do before I’m 30

So here’s my first entry of 2011. It’d better treat me well (or else, you hear that 2011?).

On Weds I turn 26. This is prob­ably quite old. Here’s some stuff I’d like to do before I’m 30.

Pentheus & the Bacchae film- propos­al for my next uni project

I wrote this propos­al for my next project at uni to send my tutor. I’m doing an MA in Sequen­tial Design. Basic­ally I can do anything I like, as long as it’s based on storytelling in art, and after the term I’ve just finished, you have to set your­self your own projects. So here’s what I’ll be work­ing on after Christ­mas (subject to any changes sugges­ted by my tutor)

Toy Theatres

Here are some pictures I scanned from a library book about toy theatres.

Haiku Ode to Papa Heming­way

I made some riso­graphed post­cards to bring with me to the Alt Press Fair. It worked out cheap­er to get hundreds prin­ted up, so I’ve still got bags of the things.

Fiction chro­mat­ic­ally

Tidy­ing up books. After moving house multiple times and getting rid of a lot, I’ve got a weird selec­tion left. Also photostitch likes the break the laws of phys­ics.

Categorised as Books

Brit­ish Museum

Last week I paid a trip to the Brit­ish Museum. I had a review of work day at uni for my research project (I’m doing a research/​practice based MA in Sequen­tial Design) and I felt like I should do some­thing substan­tial­ish on the visu­al research side.

Categorised as History

Halloween night

So I didn’t do anything Halloweeny on the Saturday night, so I felt like I should do some­thing of some sort on the Sunday night. A few friends came round, we drank a fair bit and listened to records. There’s a Ghost in My House- the Fall, about half of Spider­land, and Trail of Dead.

Categorised as Photography

Mirror exhib­it

This was from an exhib­i­tion I saw at the MUMOK in Vienna. It’s diffi­cult to photo­graph well, but it was pretty impress­ive in real life. Bascially there was a huge room covered in mirrors and then there were vari­ous sculp­tures made of neon lights dotted around the room so they were reflec­ted back and forth in differ­ent mirrors, creat­ing differ­ent shapes and patterns based on where you stood in the room. Can’t remem­ber the artist’s name.

Super Dick­manns

I saw these in the super­mar­ket in Vienna and burst out laugh­ing because I am essen­tially 12. I wanted to bring some back as a joke present, but the boxes are big, and it’d be pretty diffi­cult to bring a box back unsquashed. (It’s like giant tall tunnocks teacakes). The stick­er on the bottom right says “plump and chocol­atey!”

Friends in Vienna

This is Delal. She saw some pictures I’d posted on my tumblr ( tagged with Wien and sent me a message to see if I’d like to hang out, because it seemed we liked loads of the same things. She’s from Germany origin­ally, and is study­ing Journ­al­ism in Vienna and likes draw­ing and photo­graphy too.


After going to the Hunder­t­wasser places, I met up with the other teach­ers, and we went to the Nacht­markt. Basic­ally there were loads of food and drink stalls arranged on a square outside the town hall, and they were play­ing a clas­sic­al concert on a giant screen outside the town hall. The food wasn’t cheap, but it was very good (I only really had snacks and some beer though, seeing as the liason teach­er from the Vienna school had taken us out for a very good dinner at a Japan­ese restaur­ant at lunch). I partic­u­larly like the chan­deliers the stall in the first photo has. Pity it was selling melon flavoured drinks, I’m not a big fan of melon.

More Vienna- Hunder­t­wasser

Also on my to-do list was the Hunder­t­wasser museum. If you’re not famil­i­ar with him he was an Austri­an paint­er, archi­tect, graph­ic design­er, envir­on­ment­al­ist and all round inter­est­ing eccent­ric


There was a b&w photo­booth round the corner from my hotel in Vienna that was €2 a pop. I took a strip most days to docu­ment what I’d been doing . I also had some with Delal, and some of me hold­ing up signs, but I’ve cut them up for zine use now, and I can’t find what I did with the photo of the whole strips.

Zines in unlucky numbers

I’ve got 2 new zines avail­able:

Issue 13 of Fanzine Ynfytyn- 50p/$1 + post­age

Categorised as Zines


Also I ate this deli­cious cake at the museum. It’s chocol­ate cake with a layer of cran­berry jam on top. It’s my new favour­ite. I don’t even like jam.

Leopold Museum

I was work­ing in Vienna a few weeks ago, and I haven’t got round to upload­ing photos and putting them here. There’s plenty to come. I went to as many art exhib­its as I could in the week I was work­ing in Vienna. I’ve never felt so spoilt by all the free entry in London. I think I spent about €40 over­all just on museum entries. It was worth it to see some things in the flesh though.

Were Pigeon

I drew a werepi­geon for Tukru . It was a silly private joke, and she insisted I drew it. So I did. I don’t draw much. It’s for a halloween zine she’s putting togeth­er, you should make some­thing for it (details here). It’s prob­ably good that I gave her the draw­ing before it frus­trated me so much I threw it in the bin. This is what always happens when I draw stuff.

Influ­ence map

Scott made one of these, so I thought I would as well. His was far more coher­ent than mine. Mine turned out to be a strange jumble of art nouveau, kid’s tv, the romans, russi­an stuff and a spot of liter­at­ure.


When I was 17 or so I used to carry this note­book around in my bag to jot stuff down in. In boring moments in the pub, friends used to draw in it too. I managed to lose the insides (I’ve still got a few pages some­where, but I haven’t seen then in a while, I’m sure I’ll uncov­er them when I return to Brighton and unpack my stuff). You can see where other people have scribbled stuff on the cover too, and polar­oid stick­ers got stuck on, and then fell off where the mater­i­al was so flimsy. Those polar­oid izone stick­ers were a bit rubbish really. I scanned the covers a while ago, and forgot about it, and just noticed them on my flickr.

Hats & Hamming it up

The night before I went to Austria I hung out with some friends to drink beer and yell out the answers to quiz shows. I do enjoy a good bit of trivia. Some hats made an outing, and I took some hammily posed photos. I also got really indig­nant about the continu­ing exist­ence of Roger Waters, even though he’s not quite in the Bono league for me.

Hello aus Öster­reich

I’m in a small town in SE Austria called Ober­pul­lendorf right by the Hungari­an border. I’m here to teach some English work­shops with kids. I’ve got 1 week here, 1 week in Vienna, and one in a town near Verona, doing essen­tially the same thing, but in differ­ent schools with vari­ous age groups. Oberpullendorf’s got about 3,000 people, but there’s a pretty good selec­tion of shops, and cafes and restaur­ants here. Also 3 under­wear shops and a bong shop, which seems a bit odd for such a small town.

I spent the summer wast­ing

Yester­day I went round Scott’s to play Scrabble with him & Matt. At the begin­ning of the game I got loads of good letters and managed words like exude. At the end I had noth­ing but Os and Is and resor­ted to crappy words like nut. We ate a lot of chili crisps. Scott won the Scrabble.

My Tempor­ary Room

I’m spend­ing the summer with my mum in my dead end homet­own inbetween a spate of work­ing in Austria, before I return to Brighton the end of Septem­ber. None of the furniture is mine, but the wall colour is the same as when I painted it about 10 years ago. The rest of my stuff, partic­u­larly my moun­tain of records, dvds and books is packed up in a stor­age unit in Brighton for my return.


My friend Kath­er­ine round my house in 2004 or so. The room had incred­ible 70s carpet, sadly not visible in the picture. Dodgy expired polar­oid SX-70 film I got for £1 a box at a boot­fair.

Pussies Galore

My mum’s got 2 kittens now, about 12 weeks old. She’s had them for about 2 weeks now, so they’re still getting used to things.

Darling Don’t You Go and Cut Yr Hair

I helped my friend Tukru make herself blue. She cut the fringe, and I trimmed the rest of her hair and bleached slices in, and dyed them blue. Most of the blue is in the under­neath layers of her hair, so she doesn’t get in trouble at work.

Danger­ous girls to watch out for

I went with Tukru & some other friends to watch Best Coast the other night. The band were great, but the drinks prices were awful (cheapest drink was £4). They did have a b&w photo­booth in the garden of the venue tho. B&w ones are a rarity in the UK now, most places have those digit­al ones now instead, which have a nasty tend­ency to make you look really spotty with a sort of grey tinge.

Out & About

My friend Chloe came down from Glas­gow on Weds, and we had a drink with 3 of her friends who used to live in London, but now live in Brighton. It was nice to find 3 more of my kind of ladies in Brighton. Jenna runs an altern­at­ive 80s night that I’ve been mean­ing to go to for a while, so that’s where I’m going tonight with Vicky. Unfor­tu­nately I’ve got to go into work this even­ing to hand out certi­fic­ates to kids, but at least I’m free after that.


Good­bye £3 (astound­ingly heavy) commie amp. You have infuri­ated me/​worried me with your dodgy elec­trics for the last time. Hello nice reli­able amp, cour­tesy of GAK’s extremely gener­ous ex-display discount.

Seagull drama

When I came home from work there was a crowd of people outside my front door. There was a woman hold­ing a seagull chick that had fallen down from the nest on the chim­ney pots. The chick was in the big fat gorm­less stage where the parents are fed up of feed­ing it, but it’s not ready to fly yet. There was really no way of putting it back up on the chim­ney pot, so I let the woman in and put the bird on the piece of flat roof that projects out of the window on our land­ing, safely out of the way of cats and foxes. In case he was going to hang around a while, I named the bird Spot, after his feath­ers.

To hypnodo­ma­tio mou

I got into the art MA, so at the end of the month I’m moving out of here, putting my stuff in stor­age and spend­ing the summer bumming round my mum’s to save money (with a quick jaunt out to work for a week in Vienna). I thought I’d take some pictures, seeing as how the room is pretty tidy, as I had to show my possible replace­ments round. In many ways it’s an amaz­ing room, but the total lack of vertic­al space and stor­age space can be a real pain in the arse. Excuse the slightly fuzzy photos, my compact camera is old and decrep­it and doesn’t focus like it used to.


The last few even­ings I’ve been work­ing away making about 20 or so pages like this for my art port­fo­lio show­ing some projects I’ve done over the last few years. I’ve got an inter­view for an art MA on Thursday, and I want to get in.

New issue

Here’s the zine I made for my second year of the 24hr zine chal­lenge (I did it early, because I’m going to be insanely busy in July). You have to make 24 pages in 24 hours, with no pre-plan­ning allowed. It’s about the best gigs I’ve ever been to, my best bargains at char­ity estate sales and cross­words.

Categorised as Zines

What about the voice of Geddy Lee?

On Thursday I went to see the last night of the Pave­ment reunion at the Brix­ton Academy (I refuse to call any of the London venues their new spon­sor­ship names). I got into Pave­ment just as they were split­ting up, and so I never got to see them live. 10 years later, and it finally happens. I didn’t both­er to bring a camera, as my pock­et digit­al doesn’t focus prop­erly in low light any more. The tick­et was my birth­day present from Chris back in Janu­ary.

Categorised as Music


I used my postal vote today- I’m going to be away from home on polling day. I didn’t get to vote in the 2005 elec­tion, because of a regis­tra­tion mix-up, so I made sure to get it all done way in advance this time. It’s nice to see that the candid­ates in my area for the three big parties are all women. Caroline Lucas has a fairly good chance of getting in in Brighton, she’s the lead­er of the party, and they’re very popu­lar locally. If she wins, she’ll be the first Green party MP. If she weren’t on the list, I’d go for the Lib Dems. That’s who I’ve voted for every other time. I have no idea who will win the elec­tion. I hope it isn’t smug orange plastic-faced Camer­on.


Since becom­ing unem­ployed I’ve applied for a lot of jobs, wrangled with the job centre, read quite a lot of library books, done some draw­ings (more of that later), tried and failed to do a sour dough bread starter and star­ted freak­ing out about apply­ing for a masters.

Here’s some of the books I’ve been read­ing or re-read­ing. Brief descrip­tions only, because I’m not partic­u­larly in the mood for writ­ing.

Categorised as Books


This is a board game I got in a char­ity shop. I think the title deserves an exclam­a­tion mark. It encour­ages chil­dren to lie to customs officers convin­cingly. You get to smuggle dodgy perfume and boxes of cigars through customs. In my head it belongs to an imagin­ary Fath­er Ted epis­ode where Ted & Dougal are stuck inside on a rainy day, and decide to play a board game, they have a choice between Trivi­al Pursuit- Papal Edition or Smuggle, then Dougal turns out to not under­stand the concept of bluff­ing

Book Nook

I’ve got a book nook on the land­ing up to my room. I organ­ised all the books by colour. The penguins clas­sics etc are on the other book­shelf because they have boring black/​silver spines. A pity, because my favour­ites are mostly amongst those. I got the poncho/​blanket thing at the last Sue Ryder sale I went to. I think it’s pretty much what you’d get if you asked someone’s nan to knit you an Irish super­hero outfit.

Categorised as Books


I’ve got a box full of unfin­ished sewing projects and a huge fabric stash, and as I’m unem­ployed at the moment, I decided to get them all finished/​used. Here’s the first thing I finished, a dress made from a 1960s pattern


Here’s some pictures I took in Broad­stairs last summer, they were languish­ing on my hard-drive until this week­end.


Here’s the pictures I took Sat. Unfor­tu­nately I only got a chance to take a couple before my battery ran out. School­boy error. Should’ve charged it up before a left home.

Categorised as Music

Brighton Zine­fest 2010

I just real­ised I forgot to put the photos from the 2010 Zine­fest on here. I’m going to write about it in more detail in issue 13 of my zine, but to summar­ise: It was good, lots of people came, the Bobby McGees were fant­ast­ic, I got the flu on Saturday, was tired and irrit­able.

Categorised as Zines

Tea & Sympathy

Earli­er today me & Vicky planned to go to an Alice Tea Party that was advert­ised in a vintage clothes shop. We dressed up Alice style, her in a grey dress with a bow and white tights with black ballet shoes, and me with a chequred skirt, silver and black stripy jump­er, and silver ballet shoes. We got there and the “tea party” turned out to be a shop assist­ant on a small table with some styro­foam cups of tea. Very disap­point­ing


Fisheye photos from vari­ous occa­sions on the beach. With help from Madame T.

Pier Kaleido­scope

A couple of weeks ago I took my cheesy 70s kaleido­scope filter to the pier. I didn’t really get the shots I wanted, and I dropped my lens cap between the slats, but I managed to get a few ok shots.

Fanzine Ynfytyn 10

Fanzine Ynfytyn 10
Ireland Special!

This one’s about my road/​rail/​boat trip to Co Cork in Ireland in the Septem­ber of 2009 with a 11 piece coun­try band called Dolly & the Clothespegs. Features midnight ferry rides, colcan­non and wonky Dolly Parton covers. 24 pages 1/​4 size b&w.

Categorised as Zines

New Mini Zine

I’ve done a free mini issue of Fanzine Ynfytyn about the fine city of Canter­bury. It’s free if you order any other of my zines, because char­ging inter­na­tion­al post­age for such a small zine is a bit point­less. 14 pages, 3″ x 4″. I’ll also be at the Alt Press Fair on Saturday in London.

Categorised as Zines

Zine­fest stuff

We had our zine social again at the Free­butt, not partic­u­larly heav­ily atten­ded, but then we didn’t promote it much. I was possibly the only person to ever bring a type­writer to the bar. It’s nice to type on it now I’ve finally got round to repla­cing the ribbon.

Categorised as Zines

Steve West- Marble Valley

Last night me & Chris went to see Marble Valley. They’re Steve West from Pavement’s side project. I don’t know if he inten­ded to be the comedy Silver Jews, but that’s what they are. Silver Jews + Flight of the Conchords. The support bands were identikit young men trying to sound like the Arctic Monkeys, but minus the wit.

Categorised as Music

Birth­day Haul

I finally have all my birth­day presents, after ooh, 2 weeks. Thanks Royal Mail.

Mr Benn Barns­ley Style

An epis­ode of Mr Benn entirely made by small chil­dren from York­shire. You under­stand I would’ve killed when I was 8 to do this. (I was never on Rolf’s cartoon club, *sob*)


I was stuck at home today because of the snow. I wish I’d had multi-coloured sprinkles for this, the pink ones kind of look like blood.

Fisheye Tests

Test­ing out the fisheye lens adapter I got for xmas off my dad …


A rosette I made from an old Bulgari­an stamp and some ribbon.

Categorised as Crafts