
Published Categorised as Germany, Nature, Travel No Comments on Büren-Harth

Here’s some more photos from Germany. From Harth in Nordrhein-West­falen to be more precise. It’s a small village in the Sauer­land, a scen­ic forest region about a hundred miles east of Cologne, popu­lar for hiking and cycling. I was there for a week to teach a holi­day course in a school in the local small town of Büren. It was a pretty good week- nice weath­er, good kids, and cheap food and drink in the inn we were stay­ing in. The only real fly in the oint­ment was when one of the parents tried to put me down on the insur­ance when his child broke her phone. Casu­al insur­ance fraud (and insur­ance policies/​claims for everything) is a nation­al sport in Germany though.

Not much happens in Harth, but I don’t think anyone minds

What’s this?

Oh look, a ruined castle

With a picnic area on the ramparts

And a great view into the forest from the lookout spot

There’s a lot of forest here.

The local train station is long gone, instead you have to go on a long bus ride to Pader­born.

Plenty of timber around though.


And good train­ing for your legs.

I wouldn’t fall down there if I were you.

Also a lot of sting­ing nettles around. Servas Herr Bren­nnes­sel.

The bees and beetles are well accom­mod­ated.

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