Cent­ral Sydney

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To be honest I wasn’t fussed about the centre of Sydney. I was stay­ing close to the harbour, but it all felt very bland and glossy, like living in a West­field shop­ping centre. I was there to visit friends more than anything. Up close the Opera House is surpris­ing- you expect it to be all white and smooth and minim­al­ist, but in real life it’s covered in lots of beige and brown tiles (the roof is tiled), and looks very 70s.

This Victori­an-era arcade has beau­ti­ful archi­tec­ture, but is again devoted to glossy luxury shop­ping.

There was a lot of kiwi stuff in the super­mar­kets- I guess there are a lot of people who move to Sydney for work. This lemon­ade is really good.

Can you award your­self a chocol­ate fish? Prob­ably not. Needs to be bestowed on you by a dad from New Zeal­and.

I went on a disastrous whale-watch­ing “cruise” on rough seas. I did see a lot of whales, but I was also incred­ibly seasick. I wrote about the unpleas­ant exper­i­ence more in the zine I did about the trip.

Going out in the Antarc­tic Stream at the end of winter in a small boat is a bad idea, who knew?

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