Drink-draw­ing & Read­ing Objects

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My friend Adam from art college runs a pub draw­ing game night called Drinky Doodle in Brighton. I couldn’t make the first one, but I managed to get to the second. It’s at a nice scand­inavi­an themed bar. There are assor­ted themed games where you have to either draw what’s on the card you drew out of a hat, or draw the things that are shouted out. Sadly I missed out on the That’s Life Draw­ing they did last time, where you drew stuff out of the magazine. I love those awful “REAL LIFE DRAMA” magazines.


Vicky, Jack and Lucy a-draw-draw-draw.


Picture consequences. As each round was finished, the pictures were hung up on lines across the room. It looked most pretty with all the fairy lights.


A word was shouted out every 30 seconds or so, and you had to add it to your draw­ing. Words were (in order): Africa, cross-section, moun­tain, fuck, feline, pros­thet­ic and rabbit. You can’t really make out my cat here, he’s to the left of the hand o’doom. The cross-section is of a piece of Brighton Rock.


The last round was draw­ing Argus Head­lines (the local paper in Brighton is famous for its ludicrous cover head­lines). Here’s my fairly liter­al (and appar­ently quite disturb­ing) rendi­tion of the one I drew out the hat.


Here’s my draw­ing from the “draw the stranger whose name you picked out” round. It’s notable not for my fairly bland, but accur­at­ish draw­ing of my stranger, but for the draw­ing of Alex that looks EXACTLY like him, and just is him.


Next day one of the things I did at art college was a work­shop on “Read­ing Objects”. Every­one had to bring in an object whose purpose was myster­i­ous and you had to guess and spec­u­late. I brought in a drum machine labelled in Hindi.


Three separ­ate people brought in antique tie presses. Two people even bring­ing in the same model. I’m quite impressed at how many people I know who even own one. Orange peel­ing tools were anoth­er popu­lar one. My person­al favour­ite was the creepy look­ing child’s radi­ology mask.


It would prob­ably have been slightly more fun if there hadn’t’ve ended up with 50 objects. 15 or so would’ve been much better.


I saw this on the windowsill.

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