Lucky dip

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(Mermaid tag by Erika Pal)

On Wednes­day we had a bake­sale fundraiser for our gradu­at­ing exhib­i­tion. For some reas­on univer­sity regu­la­tions only allowed us to sell home-made food in the foyer if it was pack­aged up, so we made good­ie bags and boxes. Some of the focus in these photos is a little odd, because my lens got jammed onto f.17 without me real­ising until later that after­noon (the aper­ture clutch thing is a little unre­li­able). That’s also why there aren’t any people in the pictures, because every­one ended up with things like an out of focus nose.


All of the students made decor­at­ive labels to attach to the bags and boxes.


People brought in cards and little pieces of artwork to include too. (Suit man artwork by  Nele Anders)

Filling up goodie bags

I brought salted cara­mel chocol­ate cakes and straw­berry macar­ons, and other people brought homemade rum chocol­ates and vegan chocol­ate cook­ies, and we filled up the bags with cakes and cook­ies, and the boxes with macar­ons and chocol­ates, with a hand­ful of kids party sweets as well. I forgot to take any pictures of the cakes and things until it was too late and they were all tied up.


We then had a stall in the foyer of the art college, and managed to raise about £50 for our exhib­i­tion fund. A woman also asked me how much I would charge to bake 100 macar­ons for a party in Novem­ber, and I made up some­thing off the top of my head that is prob­ably far too low, because she *really* wanted to know. I doubt I’ll start doing cater­ing for people’s parties though! I was surprised, because I thought the macar­ons had come out a bit blobby due to the nozzle on the piping bag break­ing. If the force of some meringue mix can cause a plastic nozzle to split, then it’s prob­ably time to invest in some better icing equip­ment.


Clos­eup of the sign.


Clos­eup of the good­ie bags.

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