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Here’s some photos from a trip to Morocco I’ve dug out of the archives from when I first got a digit­al camera in 2004 (you can see the whole album here). I was in between my first and second years of univer­sity, and bought a cheap digit­al camera from Aldi, it was surpris­ingly decent though, and it’s hard to take bad photos in Morocco because the light is so clear and the colours are so vibrant. Most of these pictures are from Rabat or Essaouira.


I spent a large chunk of the summer in Morocco with my mum that year, some­thing we’d done before. That sounds very luxuri­ous, but it wasn’t very expens­ive. In those days direct flights to Morocco were pricey, so the cheap option was to get a £20 flight to Spain and then get the ferry from some­where like Alge­cir­as or Gibral­tar across to Tangi­er. I think this time we flew to Jerez, and took the ferry from Cadiz, but I can’t remem­ber wheth­er it was the time we came back via Gibral­tar or not (Gibral­tar is a very strange place- it’s like if Marks and Spen­cers were a town just off the coast of Spain).


I also can’t remem­ber if it was the occa­sion when some huge cock­roaches hitched a ride to Tangi­er in my mum’s bag, and we had to stand on a hostel bed fish­ing clothes out of her bag with wire coat hangers and shak­ing them, to make sure all the cock­roaches were gone.

Blue & White

Once you were in Morocco, it was very cheap. We stayed in clean, pleas­ant hostels that cost around £2 a night, and rented a tradi­tion­al riad house in Essaouira at the end of the tour­ist season for two weeks for not too much money. Even now when I check the prices of places that include break­fast, they’re offer­ing private rooms for £11 a night. Travel with­in Morocco is pretty easy and cheap too (I just looked up how much a stand­ard train tick­et between Marrakech and Essaouira (3hrs) costs now, and it’s 70 dirhams, about £4.70, and a first class between Tangi­er and Marrakech (10 hrs) costs about £20), there are air condi­tioned inter-city buses link­ing up most places, and the bigger cities have train links. The trains are a little old fash­ioned, with wooden compart­ments and toilets that are holes that drop straight down onto the tracks (some­thing that works better in a hot, dry coun­try like Morocco…), but they’re clean and safe, as are the buses. Taxis are also cheap, and there are also mini vans called grands taxis that follow set routes and fit 6 passen­gers.


(A common arrange­ment in cafés in Morocco- someone brings a big tray of cakes and pastries over to your table, and you trans­fer the ones you want to your plate, and then they come back and collect the tray)

Eating out is also cheap for tour­ists (obvi­ously not so much if you’re earn­ing local wages), a full meal cost­ing a couple of pounds at the time. The food is deli­cious, and as a veget­ari­an I never had any trouble find­ing anything good to eat. I might have acci­dent­ally eaten meat stock, but I never had any surprise meat, which is all I ask when trav­el­ling. I never had any trouble with my stom­ach either, and I hardly have an iron stom­ach. We bought some Intétrix on arrival (you can’t buy it in the UK) and took it reli­giously. After a few days I ate food from street stalls (lots of deli­cious things like msemen) and cleaned my teeth with tap water and was fine (I still stuck to bottled drink­ing water though, as do a lot of locals).


Morocco is not the place to go if you want a boozy holi­day though. It’s not a strictly reli­gious coun­try, and bars exist, but most people don’t drink alco­hol, so the bars tend to be seedy and the haunt of sleazy old men. (Mixing Intétrix and alco­hol isn’t a good idea for your liver anyway.) Most people go to cafés instead for social meet­ings and have soft drinks or mint tea. The ice cream and cakes are also excel­lent.


Language-wise, people speak Moroc­can Arab­ic (aka Darija), French and Amazigh, with a large propor­tion of people being fluent French speak­ers, and French often being the language of offi­cial­dom as a hangover from the colo­ni­al days. Almost everything is labelled in Arab­ic and French. I don’t know how useful it is for a tour­ist to try to cram lots of Arab­ic before visit­ing (although being able to read is obvi­ously really useful). The prob­lem is that the Arab­ic of Morocco is a very distinct­ive dialect that native Arab­ic speak­ers from other coun­tries often have trouble with (and also as a Saudi student I taught complained “as soon as you get used to their strong accent and differ­ent gram­mar, you real­ise half the words are French and you still can’t under­stand them”). Text­books will teach you to speak form­al Modern Stand­ard Arab­ic like a news­read­er, or to sound Egyp­tian (Egypt makes a lot of films and tv shows, so people are famil­i­ar with their dialect). So the people in Morocco will under­stand what you say with no prob­lem, but then you won’t under­stand what they reply. I never had any commu­nic­a­tion prob­lems speak­ing French with people.

Door 2

Street harass­ment can be an issue in Morocco, espe­cially from men insist­ing on trying to give you unso­li­cited guided tours of places, but I found once you’d been in a place more than a day or two they would just ignore you, because they recog­nised you and knew you weren’t inter­ested. My mum got more harass­ment than I did, mainly from young men call­ing her a “beau­ti­ful gazelle” hoping to find an older woman with money. Haggling in shops is expec­ted, and the shop­keep­ers like to sit down at a table and have a nice haggling and chat session with cups of tea for bigger items, but I never haggled partic­u­larly extens­ively. The initial price the shop­keep­ers offered never seemed extor­tion­ate, and I think it’s fair enough to charge tour­ists high­er prices when they earn so much more than the local wages.

Cats and Dogs

(Cats asleep in the sun by a stall selling paint­ings in Essaouira. The dog and puppy belonged to the stall owner, but the cats seemed to be affec­tion­ately regarded strays)

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