Someone some­where some­how feels you should be here

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I guest djed at Moogie Wonder­land with Tukru last week. It went pretty well, although the students were conspicu­ous in their absence because it’s exam/​assessment time. I didn’t plan what I was going to play, just went with intu­ition.

Here’s some stuff I played:

My Valu­able Hunt­ing Knife- Guided by Voices

A House is not a Motel- Love

the Vasel­ines- Teen­age Jesus Super­star (this live version is rubbish tho)

And some stuff I forgot to play, but meant to (maybe anoth­er time):

Luci­fer Sam- Pink Floyd/​Syd Barrett- songs about cats, yeah

Philo­sophy of the World- the Shaggs

I managed to sprain the muscle between my shoulder blades some­how earli­er this week, and have been lying around being thor­oughly useless since. I didn’t know you could actu­ally do such a thing, but appar­ently I have. The doctor gave me a high­er dose of paink­iller than usual, and they make me feel naus­eous and fuzzy. So I have a choice of not being able to bend over or turn, or wanly lying on the sofa feel­ing a bit queasy. I was supposed to help Tukru’s boyfriend at the char­ity shop he’s manager of today, but I had to flake out. I managed to drag myself into art college yester­day, and kind of regret­ted it. Still, my back’s slowly getting better through the week, and I’ll have a long bath later. Hope­fully I’ll be alright at the week­end when I have to work, cos I certainly need the money, and it’s not like I have to pick anything up there, just ring up tick­ets and direct people to the toilets/​blue whale/​dinosaurs.

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