Zine orders close for summer 21st May

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I’m going to be away a lot over the summer, so I’ll be clos­ing my online shop down (until prob­ably Septem­ber) next Wednes­day the 21st of May at 3pm GMT. This means that if you want some zines you need to order this week or wait sever­al months. It also means I can only really do trades with­in the UK. As well as zines I’ve also got vari­ous badges, patches, prints, lengths of vintage ribbon etc. You can find the shop here. There are also whole­sale prices avail­able for distros.

What I currently have:
Being Edit­ors 1– essays about children’s writer Diana Wynne Jones
Best of Fanzine Ynfytyn– collec­tion of articles from issues 1-13
Colour­ing book zine– guess what? you colour it in
Keep It Clean– low stress cleaning/​household tips
Film Photo­graphy 101– does what it says on the tin
Fanzine Ynfytyn 14– Vienna- all the schnitzels and dump­lings you can eat
YF 15– Point­less board games and bad French jokes
YF16– Grand­par­ents and their weird habits and people I wanted to be when I grew up
YF 16.5– 24hr zine about El Topo and Sedmikrasky and homet­own bore­dom
YF 17– Why Mr Frosty sets are disap­point­ing as an adult and lists about J.Mascis and cats
YF 18– 80s video hire and a deli­cious lasagne recipe
YF 19– Bulgaria and glasses wear­ing
YF 20– North Korea (a place I have not visited) and winning compet­i­tions
YF 21– Paris on a low-to-no-budget
YF 22– Foxes and being in charge of a maze
YF 23– Illness and trying to avoid “well­ness culture” bull­shit
YF 23.5– 24 hour zine about bees, quilt­ing and modu­lar synths
YF 24– Mirena IUDs in combo with PCOS and Pred­nisone
YF 25– Our Maxim from Almaty, and explor­ing the world of the ceil­ing
YF 26– The strange world of French camp­sites
YF 28-Japan on a budget
YF 29– Italy in the 90s and today
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