The Song is the Single

Here’s anoth­er song for you- The Song is the Single by Barr. It origin­ally came out when I was at univer­sity, and then ten years later, Brendan did a show at Power Lunches out of the blue, because he was in town for an art event anyway…

BARR at Power Lunches


The other night I went to see BARR aka Brendan Fowl­er at Power Lunches. I had pretty much forgot­ten about him until I saw the gig announce­ment on the Upset the Rhythm mail­ing list, but I was really happy when I saw it. I always like good spoken word. He doesn’t do so much music these days, more photo­graphy (he’d come over to the UK to give a talk at the Tate). I never got around to seeing him at the time, and some­how only a hand­ful of people I know remembered his exist­ence, and even fewer could make it on that partic­u­lar Sunday, but luck­ily it turned out my friend Tobi was coming up from Brighton. I was partic­u­larly keen to go, because the next morn­ing I was due to go off for two weeks to teach a resid­en­tial course in the middle of nowhere, so it was my last outing for a few weeks, and I’ve been a skint hermit recently.

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