
And to round off my stuff from Croa­tia, here’s some sketch­book notes from Zadar museum and Trogir. Hobot­nica (pronounced hobot­nitsa) is Croa­tian for octopus. It’s a good word.

Cambridge’s Most Haunted

I didn’t have a very thrill­ing pre-Halloween week­end. I was struck down by the bug that’s been going around locally, and stayed in and watched Stranger Things instead. I was temp­ted to get a pump­kin to carve, but build­ing work next door has displaced mice that have tried to come into my flat. At the moment they are deterred by cotton wool and strong-smelling orange and lemon­grass essen­tial oils, but I’d rather not tempt them in with a large ready cut pump­kin to eat.

In the summer I went on a ghost walk in Cambridge via work. The guide told stor­ies of myster­i­ous cloaked figures on roofs, and Black Shuck the giant black ghost dog, and also poin­ted out this spot, at the back of Peter­house College, where it joins onto a grave­yard, as the most haunted place in town.

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Regent’s Canal


The other week I went for a walk along the east­ern end of the Regent’s Canal with my dad. I used to live down the other end of it, and I’ve pretty much walked the entire length a lot of times. It’s one of the few short canals around here, most of the others are long inter­city ones.

Palma de Mallorca in mono­chrome

Here’s some black and white photos I took in Palma de Mallorca in the summer, and developed the other day. There’s no real reas­on for me to return there. I had one lovely trip there, and one horrible one, so that balances out. I can’t say much for the qual­ity of the company, but Mallorca is a beau­ti­ful place (minus Magaluf of course). I took these on Ilford HP5 with my Pentax ME Super (my favour­ite camera). I also had a roll of 50s style Efke film, but some­thing happened to it, either mois­ture or humid­ity. When I opened it in the dark bag and tried to load it onto the reel, the cart­ridge was all full of goo, and the emul­sion came off in a big clammy mess onto my hands. The film was unload­able, and unres­cu­able, so I’ll never know what was on it.

Bath Mono­chromes

Here’s some b&w pictures I took in Bath a few winters ago. I finally got the film developed after find­ing it in a draw­er. Pentax ME Super + 28mm lens + Ilford HP5. I’ve been to Bath a lot, both as a Clas­sics student to look at stuff in the Baths, as a tour guide, and visit­ing my ex’s family, who were from a village not too far away. It’s stopped look­ing exot­ic to me.

Tint­a­gel- Mosk­va 5

My ex-boyfriend’s family used to go to Corn­wall every summer, and we used to join them, me usually lugging a whole load of photo stuff on the train down. These were taken at Tint­a­gel.

I know it’s too late, I’m lost in a forest

Next in my mammoth scan­ning session, tree abstracts. Made by putting 35mm film into a 120 camera (in this case a holga) and then delib­er­ately over­pro­cessing the result­ing film to give a high contrast look.

Halloween night

So I didn’t do anything Halloweeny on the Saturday night, so I felt like I should do some­thing of some sort on the Sunday night. A few friends came round, we drank a fair bit and listened to records. There’s a Ghost in My House- the Fall, about half of Spider­land, and Trail of Dead.

Categorised as Photography
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