Nine Times Nine Pictures to Dispel the Cold

I was read­ing about a Chinese tradi­tion simil­ar to an advent calen­dar that starts on this day. It’s 81 days until the Spring, and that makes a neat grid of 9×9, lead­ing to the tradi­tion of Nine Times Nine Pictures to Dispel the Cold- draw or colour a picture every day to get you through the winter. 

2022 calen­dar

My 2022 calen­dar is now ready – you can order calen­dars and prints of the artwork here.

2021 Calen­dar pre-orders

I’m finish­ing off my 2021 calen­dar artwork – I’ve put pre-orders up.

Calen­dars are £8.50 inc UK post­age and you can also get prints of the artwork

2020 Calen­dar

I’ve made an A5 calen­dar of my illus­tra­tions – the calen­dar itself is £7, and the artwork is also avail­able as prints of vari­ous sizes. UK post­age is free, and inter­na­tion­al post­age is auto­mat­ic­ally calcu­lated by weight.

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