Plan­et­ary Urban­isa­tion

Yester­day I went to a talk at Well Projects from anthropologist/​sound artist Dimitri­os Borm­pouda­kis from the Univer­sity of Kent as part of A Cut From Sharp Grass, “a visu­al art exhib­i­tion & series of public events developed in response to the increas­ingly urban­ised, networked & tech­no­lo­gic­ally integ­rated land­scape of Kent”. Here’s my sketch­book notes from the talk.

New Mini Zine

I’ve done a free mini issue of Fanzine Ynfytyn about the fine city of Canter­bury. It’s free if you order any other of my zines, because char­ging inter­na­tion­al post­age for such a small zine is a bit point­less. 14 pages, 3″ x 4″. I’ll also be at the Alt Press Fair on Saturday in London.

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