Janu­ary Read­ing pt 1

My goal this year is to read 100 books, but also regu­larly write small reviews of them. Here’s the first instal­ment, with Alan Garner, Seanan McGuire and Matt Weso­lowski.

Categorised as Books

Tim and the Hidden People

Tim and the Hidden People is a series of children’s school read­ing books from the late 70s/​early 80s that a lot of schools had. They have a strange, bleak folk-horror atmo­sphere, and the illus­tra­tions in the first three collec­tions are a little uncanny valley. Tim is always walk­ing along lonely canal paths with strict instruc­tions to not look over his shoulder and tie the silver string around a partic­u­lar tree or else.

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