Golden envel­ope full of zines

I have some golden envel­opes full of zines. They’re not quite as good as a tick­et to Willy Wonka’s fact­ory, but what is? You get three randomly picked issues of Fanzine Ynfytyn, prin­ted on white paper rather than coloured, for £1.50 + post­age. They’re avail­able in my shop.  I’ve got one to give away. Just email me the answer to the ques­tion below. My favour­ite answer submit­ted by Monday the 28th of Janu­ary wins. Your inform­a­tion won’t be kept or sold, and I’ll only email the winner back. Ques­tion: What is your favour­ite Roald Dahl book, and why?

Categorised as Zines
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