“I cried for madder music and for stronger wine”

I have Bacchae prints avail­able again. The text says “I caught this young lion myself without a trap”. Based on the scene from Eurip­ides’ Bacchae where Pentheus’ moth­er tears her own son’s head off with her bare hands while under Dionysus’ spell and parades it round the stage. Avail­able from me as a print here for £6 or £12 depend­ing on size. Ideal fest­ive gift for all, look how red it is.


Today Tukru helped me take some photos for my uni project (someone needed to stop the camera tripod fall­ing down the hill and be able to touch things without cover­ing them in blood. Today’s myth was Pentheus & the Bacchae. I was a Bacchant/​Maenad. I got to sit around in a vest in the winter doused in fake blood, clutch­ing a mostly empty bottle of booze and a fimo human heart and trying not to squint in the unex­pec­ted Febru­ary sunshine. How I usually spend my Tues­day after­noons, really. Fake blood is surpris­ingly cold in the wind. Clear­ing up felt like we were cover­ing up a murder.

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