
Here’s some more photos from Germany. From Harth in Nordrhein-West­falen to be more precise. It’s a small village in the Sauer­land, a scen­ic forest region about a hundred miles east of Cologne, popu­lar for hiking and cycling.


I spent most of August in Germany, teach­ing some school work­shops and going to Docu­menta art fair along the way. My first assign­ment was in rural Nordrhein-West­falen. The agency has a tend­ency to book you on flights at brutal times early on a Sunday, so instead I booked my own flight to Cologne on a Friday even­ing, and claimed it back off them. I have been to Cologne loads of times, and my colleagues were flying into Düssel­dorf, which I had never visited. So I decided to stay in Düssel­dorf, do a bit of sight­see­ing, and then meet up with the others before head­ing to the Sauer­land.

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