Die grade Linie ist die unschöp­ferische Linie

Just before Christ­mas I ran a Hunder­t­wasser-themed work­shop as a fundraiser for 101 Social Club. (If you are not famil­i­ar with Austri­an artist, archi­tect, envir­on­ment­al­ist and cranky old hippy Friedens­reich Hunder­t­wasser, I have writ­ten about him quite a few times- you can find the entries here) People had food and drink, learnt about Hundertwasser’s work and philo­sophies, and did three differ­ent casu­al art activ­it­ies- collab­or­at­ive line making, resist paint­ing, and creat­ing archi­tec­tur­al models of Hunder­t­wasser-style build­ings out of recycled mater­i­als. All while listen­ing to the fine selec­tion of Can, Neu, Fennesz, Cluster, Faust and other artists from the playl­ist below (I had it on shuffle on the night)

The District Without Qual­it­ies?

So I’m back in the UK. For good now. Most of this week has been taken up with house-hunt­ing, arran­ging vans etc. More on that soon. I don’t like to count my chick­ens before they’re hatched.

However, I was tidy­ing up the folders on my computer this week, and found these miscel­laneous photos of Vienna from Febru­ary.

This Means Noth­ing To Me

I have been in Austria for a week and a half now for teach­ing work. I meant to update last week, but some brutal 7.30 am start times, heavy snow, a lot of plan­ning to do outside the classroom, and a diet of pure stodge in a small town with few dining options (and even fewer options for veget­ari­ans) tired me out. It feels strange to be in small-town Austria, where not much tends to happen, while polit­ic­al turmoil with dire consequences for many vulner­able people goes on around the world.

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