Schloss Belvedere, Vienna

I real­ised I still had a few photos from Febru­ary in Austria left unposted, so here they are. Strange to think that six weeks ago I was trav­el­ling around Cent­ral Europe for work, and now I don’t venture more than a mile or two from home.

Eszter­házy Castle- The Versailles of Hungary

Fertöd is also home to Eszter­hazy Castle, a baroque palace often called “The Versailles of Hungary”. The Eszter­hazy family were the ultra-rich landown­ers in west­ern Hungary and east­ern Austria, and have palaces and castles dotted all over the place. This wasn’t even their main palace. It’s now a museum with guided tours. The tour was all in Hungari­an, but luck­ily with an English crib sheet. 

Kyoto I

Here’s some photos of Kyoto. I have split the pictures up into sever­al entries. You can see more photos from Kyoto and other cities in the Japan category, and also read about the trip in the zine I wrote. While I was there I also met up with local zinester and research­er Kiyoshi Murakami (村上 潔), who kindly took me to some of his favour­ite places in the city:

Fish­bourne Palace


A while back I went to Fish­bourne Palace. In the 1960s engin­eers digging a new drain in a village just outside Chichester discovered some Roman mosa­ics. When they were excav­ated, they turned out to belong to the one of the largest Roman palaces outside Italy. My thing I wrote for Story­board this month is based on it (and yes, the build­ing really does look like a swim­ming pool). No one is one hundred percent sure who it belonged to, the most common guess is Tiberi­us Claudi­us Cogidub­nus, the local chief­tain /​ Roman ally /​ client king, but there are no inscrip­tions or histor­ic­al records either back­ing it up or prov­ing other­wise.

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