I want my MTV (late 90s edition)

I was a teen­ager in the dark ages when you had to have light­ning reflexes to tape songs you liked when they came on. I didn’t have cable or satel­lite at home, but I did a lot of babysit­ting at houses where they had the music chan­nels. So I used to to make mix tapes of music videos. Here’s some of the stuff I remem­ber taping.

Categorised as Music

They only want you when you’re seven­teen

I made this playl­ist a while back, and the post has been languish­ing in the drafts for a while, so I thought I’d finish it off for the end of the year. It’s all songs I liked when I was 17, which was in 2002

The more you use it, the more it works.

Februr­ary has been a deeply weird and confus­ing month, for vari­ous reas­ons. I had to go to hospit­al with gast­rit­is and a kidney infec­tion. I didn’t have to stay in or anything, but I had to take loads of differ­ent medic­a­tions and was pretty ill for about a week and a half. I had to also follow the most boring diet possible until my stom­ach healed up (like, liter­ally noth­ing was allowed). I was basic­ally eating the diet of a fussy toddler. I never want to see anoth­er quorn nugget as long as I live. My stom­ach is fine now, and I’m rein­tro­du­cing vari­ous foods and drinks, but it’s weird to have to try to remind myself to eat prop­er meals again. I also lost weight. Soci­ety wants to tell you that you should always be happy about that for whatever reas­on, because women aren’t supposed to take up space in the world or some­thing, but actu­ally my weight was fine before (they defin­itely don’t want you think­ing that). Now my clothes are a bit sad and loose look­ing. Hope­fully now I’m back on prop­er food that will be sorted out quickly.  

What about the voice of Geddy Lee?

On Thursday I went to see the last night of the Pave­ment reunion at the Brix­ton Academy (I refuse to call any of the London venues their new spon­sor­ship names). I got into Pave­ment just as they were split­ting up, and so I never got to see them live. 10 years later, and it finally happens. I didn’t both­er to bring a camera, as my pock­et digit­al doesn’t focus prop­erly in low light any more. The tick­et was my birth­day present from Chris back in Janu­ary.

Categorised as Music

Steve West- Marble Valley

Last night me & Chris went to see Marble Valley. They’re Steve West from Pavement’s side project. I don’t know if he inten­ded to be the comedy Silver Jews, but that’s what they are. Silver Jews + Flight of the Conchords. The support bands were identikit young men trying to sound like the Arctic Monkeys, but minus the wit.

Categorised as Music
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