Et tu, pipio?

Last March, I drew these fat pigeons for Moogie Wonderland’s Ides of March event. I did a silhou­ette projec­tion about Juli­us Caesar, and made some fortune telling games based on the Roman prac­tices of divin­ing by watch­ing birds or inspect­ing livers. The birds read “turn me over for your fortune”, and were hung up with strings around the room (you can see that version here).

Were Pigeon

I drew a werepi­geon for Tukru . It was a silly private joke, and she insisted I drew it. So I did. I don’t draw much. It’s for a halloween zine she’s putting togeth­er, you should make some­thing for it (details here). It’s prob­ably good that I gave her the draw­ing before it frus­trated me so much I threw it in the bin. This is what always happens when I draw stuff.

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