Listen­ing to my grandad’s stereo (but not his record collec­tion)

I recently received my grandad’s stereo. He’s 89 and has moved into an old people’s home, and said he didn’t need it any more. He was an elec­tric­al engin­eer for Philips, so his choice of appli­ances can usually be relied on. I was expect­ing some­thing from the 70s, but then it turned out he’d actu­ally bought this one 3-4 years ago. I don’t know why he felt the need to buy a whole new stereo to listen to his 10 Shir­ley Bassey records. He once gave me a tape with Itali­an lessons on one side, and Shir­ley Bassey songs on the other. I guess he felt it was about time I took up both of those things.

Record Fair

On Saturday I’m doing a zine stall with my friend Fliss Colli­er at the inaug­ur­al How Does it Feel to Be Loved Record Fair. As well as our own zines we’re bring­ing a selec­tion of music zines and stock from Vampire Sushi distro.There will be record stalls from Fortu­na POP!, Where It’s At Is Where You Are, Odd Box, Fika, How Does It Feel To Be Loved?, The Great Pop Supple­ment, Dirty Water Records, Enrap­tured, Cherry Red, and Lojinx and lots of second hand records. I will have to restrain myself from spend­ing any money, because I’m broke.

Categorised as Music, Zines
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