Don’t Put Out

The other week I was in Brighton to see Ladies and Gentle­men the Fabulous Stains, a forgot­ten film from the 80s about a fiction­al all-girl punk band with Diane Lane, Ray Winstone (yes, really), Paul Simonon and half of the Sex Pistols. They’ve star­ted doing a cinema club at the West Hill Hall show­ing cult films with bands play­ing after­wards. This time the bands were Trash Kit and Woolf. I found out about it when I was at the copi­ers and the guy in front of me was copy­ing flyers and we got chat­ting and swapped zines and flyers. I wish that kind of thing happened to me more often. A good even­ing filled with friends and good feel­ings. Bands and film recom­men­ded. I want to be back in Brighton. ( I decided to go not via London to see if the cheap­er tick­et was worth the both­er- it wasn’t, it took me 4 hours and between 4-7 trains each way)

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