
Louise, a friend of mine from Brighton recently set up a creat­ive writ­ing website. The idea is that every­one is given a monthly writ­ing prompt, with all the submit­ted work posted the follow­ing month for comment. I decided to have a try follow­ing the first prompt- the theme was Aqua­mar­ine. I couldn’t really think of any idea for a story, so I just wrote what came to mind. What they call a five finger excer­cise. I think I’ll ramble less on the next one. Here is what I wrote

Categorised as Nature

Brighton Aquar­i­um

When Chris was down the other week we went to the aquar­i­um because I had a half price vouch­er. I love aquar­i­ums, and I’m going again on Monday even­ing for a work thing.

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