Things I like

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I decided to make a list of things I like. It’s not specif­ic things, like partic­u­lar bands or direct­ors or food, it’s more a list of gener­al prin­ciples of what I enjoy. My life recently has been controlled by people who have noth­ing to offer, and who have to create drama and pain in their and other people’s lives in order to not be bored.

The world and life aren’t boring. There are 10 million inter­est­ing things you can do that don’t hurt a fly. Anyone who is worth know­ing, knows this. Actions have consequences, and anything worth doing doesn’t have negat­ive consequences on other people. They say the best revenge is living well.

* Sunlight and fresh air and nature (although I’m not sporty or partic­u­larly outdoorsy)
* Visit­ing the coun­tryside, but not living there. I need the stim­u­la­tion of a city
* The sea and other water
* Listen­ing to music. *Really* listen­ing to music, totally focused and absorbed in it
* Play­ing music myself, even if I’m too shy to show it to other people
* Watch­ing docu­ment­ar­ies
* Art and culture
* Visit­ing museums and galler­ies and histor­ic­al sites
* Meet­ing inter­est­ing people with passions and interests
* Listen­ing to Radio 6 & 4
* Anim­als
* Books that make you think. Liter­at­ure in gener­al. Good poetry.
* Going to the library, partic­u­larly academ­ic librar­ies
* Poking round junk shops, char­ity shops and flea markets
* Good design
* Sedate fun
* Good food and drink, enjoyed for its flavour
* Creat­ing beau­ti­ful and comfort­able envir­on­ments
* Learn­ing about things, and discov­er­ing things I was previ­ously unaware of
* Creat­ing things
* Work­ing on collab­or­at­ive projects with other creat­ive people
* Noti­cing small inter­est­ing details
* Explor­ing places and look­ing for the things you might other­wise miss
* Learn­ing how things work
* Writ­ing and receiv­ing letters and parcels
* Docu­ment­ing things and exper­i­ences
* Travel
* Photo­graphy
* Sewing
* Draw­ing and paint­ing
* Learn­ing about the history and context of people and places
* The company of people who are comfort­able with them­selves.
* Honesty. This is very import­ant to me.

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