
My name is Emma. I was born in the mid 80s and grew up in Kent in the UK. I studied Ancient History at university for undergrad, and then Sequential Design (illustration, animation, design and book arts) as a postgrad. After living in Brighton and London I returned to Kent in 2017.

How do you get to travel so much? Why do you visit so many obscure places?

As a day job I work for a schools programme in central Europe, where I visit schools to run workshops. Often the schools are in non-tourist areas, so I get to see lots of different places I wouldn’t otherwise have visited.

What writers do you like?

My three all-time favourites are Ursula le Guin, Jorge Luis Borges, and Diana Wynne Jones. In general, literary fiction and sci-fi.

What type of music do you like?

Weird stuff, heavy stuff. Some favourites are Boards of Canada, Sonic Youth, Sunn O)))), Can, Love, Godspeed, Slint.

What inspires your artwork?

Hauntology type stuff. Old Puffin and Penguin paperbacks. Low quality pulp printing.

Does your cat know he’s very handsome?




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