I haven’t updated in a while. There’s a backlog running. I’ve just been busy working all hours and doing university work. I’ve seen quite a few films recently tho.
Here’s the zine I made for my second year of the 24hr zine challenge (I did it early, because I’m going to be insanely busy in July). You have to make 24 pages in 24 hours, with no pre-planning allowed. It’s about the best gigs I’ve ever been to, my best bargains at charity estate…
I’ve done a free mini issue of Fanzine Ynfytyn about the fine city of Canterbury. It’s free if you order any other of my zines, because charging international postage for such a small zine is a bit pointless. 14 pages, 3″ x 4″. I’ll also be at the Alt Press Fair on Saturday in London.