The Double

I went to see the Double a little while ago. My friend Ellina has thing about Jesse Eisenberg and she wanted to see it. I haven’t been going to the cinema often enough recently. I like Dostoyevsky, enjoyed Submarine, and liked Jesse Eisenberg as an unbearable teenage boy in the Squid and the Whale so it was a good choice. The film owes a lot to Terry Gilliam’s Brazil, but it’s definitely worth a watch.

Categorised as Films

Not as sad as Dostoyevsky, not as clever as Mark Twain

10. Alias Grace- Margaret Atwood
11. Notes from Underground- Fyodor Dostoyevsky
12. Seeing Things- Oliver Postgate
13. Letters from a Lost Uncle- Mervyn Peake
14. Queuing for Beginners- Joe Moran

Categorised as Books
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