Halloween print

I don’t normally do season­al stuff, but on a whim today I decided to do a halloween themed thing, make the A4 prints cheap­er than usual at £8.50 (uk post­age included) and only do 25 of them.

Lunatrak­t­ors at Halloween

I took some photos of my “broken folk” musi­cian friends the Lunatrak­t­ors doing a Halloween perform­ance. The setting was an art install­a­tion of a crypt of obsol­ete tech­no­logy in a tunnel on the seafront by  Sadie Hennessy. The metal­work head­pieces were created by local jeweller and metal­work­er Billie M Vigne. 

Knock Three Times

Knock Three Times is not a well-known book, which is a pity.

Categorised as Books

Cambridge’s Most Haunted

I didn’t have a very thrill­ing pre-Halloween week­end. I was struck down by the bug that’s been going around locally, and stayed in and watched Stranger Things instead. I was temp­ted to get a pump­kin to carve, but build­ing work next door has displaced mice that have tried to come into my flat. At the moment they are deterred by cotton wool and strong-smelling orange and lemon­grass essen­tial oils, but I’d rather not tempt them in with a large ready cut pump­kin to eat.

In the summer I went on a ghost walk in Cambridge via work. The guide told stor­ies of myster­i­ous cloaked figures on roofs, and Black Shuck the giant black ghost dog, and also poin­ted out this spot, at the back of Peter­house College, where it joins onto a grave­yard, as the most haunted place in town.

Categorised as UK

Halloween night

So I didn’t do anything Halloweeny on the Saturday night, so I felt like I should do some­thing of some sort on the Sunday night. A few friends came round, we drank a fair bit and listened to records. There’s a Ghost in My House- the Fall, about half of Spider­land, and Trail of Dead.

Categorised as Photography
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