That cat’s some­thing I can’t explain

I don’t currently have any pets. Land­lords in London who allow cats or dogs are a rare breed. My house­mate has a trop­ic­al aquar­i­um, and I don’t fancy getting hamsters or mice, and don’t have space for rats. So no pets other than fish for us.

Categorised as Nature

Febru­ary books and films

Not a great deal to report here, I haven’t read that much or seen many films because I’ve been busy doing unfun things. Less of that, please.


1) Lies My Teach­er Told Me: Everything Your Amer­ic­an History Text­book Got Wrong- James W Loewen

Categorised as Books, Films

Pop 9

I was given a Pop 9 camera for Christ­mas, and this is my test film (Ilford HP5 400asa). There’s the oblig­at­ory cat photos for any test roll, and some of the river/​waterways around Canada Water and Roth­er­hithe. The rest of the roll can be seen here.

Categorised as Photography

That cat’s some­thing I can’t explain

Char­ity shop haul (+ “help­ful” cat)

Tartan fabric, grey wool skirt, purple dress, flor­al dress, knit­ting pattern book, pattern draft­ing books, Lux the Poet (excel­lent book btw), 70s girls comics annu­al for zine purposes, London Review of Books person­als collec­tion (“Anim­al in bed. Possibly a gnu.”)

Pussies Galore

My mum’s got 2 kittens now, about 12 weeks old. She’s had them for about 2 weeks now, so they’re still getting used to things.

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