Space Scrap­book

I have kept scrap­books like this since about 2002, stick­ing in things like tick­et stubs, cata­logues from art exhib­i­tions, food pack­aging, pass­port photos etc. Future histor­i­ans will prob­ably not be that grate­ful to me. Once a year or so I also make a gener­al list of things I like, to compare with previ­ous years. The lists have been pretty consist­ent though, my tastes don’t change a lot. This scrap­book spans late 2011 to the end of 2013. I photo­graphed all the pages and made this gif. I took photos of some other old ones too, but I haven’t finished edit­ing the pages yet.


When I was 17 or so I used to carry this note­book around in my bag to jot stuff down in. In boring moments in the pub, friends used to draw in it too. I managed to lose the insides (I’ve still got a few pages some­where, but I haven’t seen then in a while, I’m sure I’ll uncov­er them when I return to Brighton and unpack my stuff). You can see where other people have scribbled stuff on the cover too, and polar­oid stick­ers got stuck on, and then fell off where the mater­i­al was so flimsy. Those polar­oid izone stick­ers were a bit rubbish really. I scanned the covers a while ago, and forgot about it, and just noticed them on my flickr.

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