Margate Zine Club

I moved house last week back to back with coming back from Germany, and am exhausted, but here I am organ­ising events. A little zine meet up in a lovely local cafe/​record shop/​yoga studio- plenty of vegan and gluten-free options. Free entry, and step-free, but sadly no disabled toilet (the toilets are upstairs).

Zine orders close for summer 21st May

I’m going to be away a lot over the summer, so I’ll be clos­ing my online shop down (until prob­ably Septem­ber) next Wednes­day the 21st of May at 3pm GMT. This means that if you want some zines you need to order this week or wait sever­al months. It also means I can only really do trades with­in the UK. As well as zines I’ve also got vari­ous badges, patches, prints, lengths of vintage ribbon etc. You can find the shop here. There are also whole­sale prices avail­able for distros.

Categorised as Zines

Hello again

So I haven’t updated here for over a month, and updates have been thin on the ground all year. That’s mainly because I spent most of Janu­ary and Febru­ary work­ing in Austria, most of March in Japan without a computer, and have been busy since I returned just over a week ago.

Categorised as Japan, Zines

Zines! Zines! Zines!

I return to the UK from Austria for just under a week this week­end, so I’ve re-opened my online shop for zine orders until Tues­day the 7th of March. All orders will be sent out by Weds the 8th of March. The shop then closes again while I’m in Japan, until further notice, so this is your chance. All prices include UK post­age. Inter­na­tion­al post­age is extra, and auto­mat­ic­ally calcu­lated by weight.

Categorised as Zines

Two new zines

I’ve got two new zines out- Fanzine Ynfytyn 23 & 25 (21 and 24 are still in the works). If you’re new to my zine, and are curi­ous about the name, the explan­a­tion is here. Both zines are £2 includ­ing UK post­age (inter­na­tion­al post­age extra), avail­able here.

Categorised as Zines

How I Make my Zines

This is how I person­ally make my zines. There’s no right or wrong way (aside from doing things like acci­dent­ally making it unread­able once photo­copied or forget­ting about your margins and cutting off half the text). If you want a more in-depth guide to all things zine-related, I can recom­mend Stolen Sharpie Revolu­tion. You can see all the back issues of my zines on my website.

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