70s craft books ahoy

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I like buying 70s craft books from charity shops. I’m not sure what it is about them, but maybe it’s the colours and the quite often bizarre project suggestions. Here’s 2 of them scanned in.


First up, Super Book of Things to Make. This book veers wildly between suggesting you paint an old washing up liquid bottle with poster paint, and that you take up glasswork to make your own rings, and it’s not quite clear who it’s aimed at. I’ve scanned the weird stuff/things that appeal to me though.

fried egg

I like this paint tube cushion, although the cat looks like it would fight me over it.


To keep your jewellery tidy, they suggest filling a rubber glove with plaster of Paris, and then mounting it on the giant cork you happen to keep lying around. Expect them to strangle you in the night.


I made the cake card once, it was pretty great. I wish I’d taken a picture of it.


Your own Mary Poppins to grow cress in. These are made of painted washing up liquid bottles, but look suspiciously perfect and glossy compared to what would actually happen if you got a kid to paint one. It looks almost like they used enamel paint.


Address book.


The book is split up into several sections, with a photo showing a number and some objects before each one. It doesn’t tell you anywhere in the book how to make this 1 shelf/drawer thing, or use any of these objects in any projects.


Suggestion for making a mural out of cardboard so your room is suitable for inviting Gandalf and Moonchild around for a smoke.


This one is actually clearly aimed at children.


With realistically crappy photos of the results.


Mr Trod the caveman. “He inspires respect from the other hairy folk”.

tye die

Terrible handkerchiefs, great dress.

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