Here’s some b&w pictures I took in Bath a few winters ago. I finally got the film developed after finding it in a drawer. Pentax ME Super + 28mm lens + Ilford HP5. I’ve been to Bath a lot, both as a Classics student to look at stuff in the Baths, as a tour guide, and visiting my ex’s family, who were from a village not too far away. It’s stopped looking exotic to me.
I was obviously really taken with this square with the tree in it. There’s a really good vegetarian cafe/restaurant nearby.
The River Avon. Silly name for a river, really, seeing as avon/afon means river.
In the basement of that building across the weir is a nice little café that does ginger beer and excellent carrot cake.
I didn’t go inside that time, because I’m a godless heathen, and also, I’ve been inside so many times.
Behold the flying buttresses that aren’t. Now do your worksheet about stained glass windows.
I have drunk the water quite a few times. It tasted horrible, and I’ve failed to grow up big and strong. I’ve never caught scurvy or scabies or anything though, so maybe it does work.
At the height of the tourist season there would be people strutting around dressed as centurions or regency people offering tours. Not in January.
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