Two new zines

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I’ve got two new zines out. Both are £2/$2.80/€2.30. UK postage is free. Available here.

Ynfytyn 30- Oxbridge or bust?
About failing to study at Oxbridge, and then the miserable experience of working there. How do you continue a system of closed doors and in-group privilege (and keep the riff-raff like you and me out) in a tertiary education system where all universities are public and charge the same tuition?

Baffling interviews
Rigid hierarchies
Strange social structures
Terrible posh people
Racism and classism a-plenty
“Oxford is the city of closed doors”
My friend H’s depressing years at Cambridge

Ynfytyn 31- Croatia/Slovenia split issue

A split zine about a last-minute to holiday to Croatia this summer, and then a work trip to Slovenia two weeks later. Comes with a mini colour zine.

The beautiful Dalmatian coast
Game of Thrones location mania
The joy of the humble burek
Hostel life
They really do love Iron Maiden in the former Yugoslavia

Slovenia, the land of Žizek, potica cake (and sadly Melania Trump)
Slovenia is very underrated
Metelkova autonomous district in Ljubljana
Ljubljana Biennial arts festival
Lake Bled and Austria by train


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