Seagull drama

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When I came home from work there was a crowd of people outside my front door. There was a woman hold­ing a seagull chick that had fallen down from the nest on the chim­ney pots. The chick was in the big fat gorm­less stage where the parents are fed up of feed­ing it, but it’s not ready to fly yet. There was really no way of putting it back up on the chim­ney pot, so I let the woman in and put the bird on the piece of flat roof that projects out of the window on our land­ing, safely out of the way of cats and foxes. In case he was going to hang around a while, I named the bird Spot, after his feath­ers.

Young Spot sat there look­ing gorm­less whilst his moth­er flapped about the roof squawk­ing. After a while a rough look­ing seagull with dirty feath­ers came and star­ted bully­ing the baby, peck­ing him and shov­ing him, and finally pick­ing him up by the neck. The moth­er then noticed where her chick was and came and fought the rough gull and drove him away. She then fussed over the chick and nudged him until he star­ted clean­ing himself and came back with some food. Now young Spot is gone from the flat roof, so either he plopped down into the garden, in which case we can expect to be attacked every time we go into the garden, or else he’s returned to the chim­ney some­how. I don’t suspect foul play, there are no loose feath­ers or blood­spots on the flat roof. Seagull drama!

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