Here I am

Also I haven’t been updating this blog as much lately, because I’ve just been so busy. I went to Croatia, Slovenia and Austria for work and pleasure in June, and then came to Cambridge at the start of the month to teach on a residential course. My contracted hours were already high, and I’ve been doing a lot of overtime covering for someone who was hospitalised. I’ve worked 160 hours in the last three weeks, so it’s no surprise I’ve had no spare time. I only have one more week left to go however, so expect some photos of Austria and the former Yugoslavia, as well as other things.

Fanzine Ynfytyn 20

I made this zine last year, but it hasn’t been in print since Christmas, because I sold all the copies, and couldn’t find the masters. I found them again today though, so it’s back in print!

Categorised as Zines

New zines, after a bit of a break

I’ve got two, count ’em, two (it’s not very difficult counting) new zines for you, that took a while to get finished. One with the usual fluff, the other about Vienna. Each is 24 pages, 1/4 sized, and costs £1 + postage from my website shop. I also have quite a lot of back issues on there for 80p + postage at the moment, when they’re gone, they’re gone.

Categorised as Zines
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