Ma Chambre

So here’s my room. I moved to this small unfur­nished flat in Octo­ber, and until the New Year I didn’t have a bed or enough shelves, so everything was in boxes all over the place, and it didn’t look great. The other room has both the living room stuff and my desk, which isn’t ideal. Photos of that will have to wait because it’s currently covered in a load of paper­work and art stuff.

August Zines-25% off

I’m back in the UK until Weds, and able to send out zines again. However I can only do the small selec­tion I have already prin­ted up- new print runs will have to wait until my perman­ent return in Septem­ber. With a bonus 25% off. Here’s what I’ve got:

Categorised as Zines

Recent char­ity shop finds

The good thing about spend­ing the summer in a small town full of old people is that there are a lot of char­ity shops and jumble sales, they often have good stock, don’t over­price and there aren’t a lot of other people look­ing for the same things as me (which is more likely to happen in a big city).

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