Here’s another mix, no theme this time, just songs I’ve been listening to a lot lately. When I moved the blog over to wordpress, I had to put the playlist on Spotify, so a couple of the songs aren’t available.
1) Zoom!- Super Furry Animals
See my entry about Gruff Rhys’ Separado film)
2) What Is Not But Could be If- Silver Jews
I’m so glad I caught their final tour
3) I’m On Standby- Grandaddy
About sums up the last few weeks
4) Dry The Rain- Beta Band
I’ve been listening to the Beta Band a lot recently, makes me think of being in 6th form. Scary to think that was well over a decade ago.
5) Like New- Deerhunter
Would love to go to their ATP this year, but looks very unlikely
6) Sisters! Brothers! Small Boats of Fire Are Falling From the Sky!- A Silver Mt. Zion
I didn’t get to see them last time they played over here, a pity
7) Romantic Rights- Death From Above 1979
More Canadians. Pure testosterone and sweat. Again missed them in 2011. This is turning into a regret list of gigs I’ve missed in the last few years)
8) Rhoda- Slint
On the other hand, I didn’t want to go to their reunion in case I was too disappointed
9) Paint it Black- Fennesz
Austria’s finest. I don’t think you’d know this was Paint it Black if you didn’t know already
10) Taschenrechner- Kraftwerk
Auf Deutsch. Übrigens, sie sind besser auf seine Muttersprache meiner Meinung nach, und mit Wortspiele/Witzen die englische Version mangelt (when I switched the playlist to Spotify recently I had to use the English version)
11) No More Workhouse Blues- Bonnie “Prince” Billy
It’s always good to be someone’s favourite horse- this is also not on Spotify)
12) Dymuniadau Da- Datblygu
Best Welsh language goodness
13) Gyroscope- Boards of Canada
Not Canadians
14) Chappel Hill- Sonic Youth
Again, glad I caught one of Sonic Youth’s final shows
15) Independence Day- Elliott Smith
Never saw Elliott Smith either. Another pity
16) Mushroom- Can
I like songs about nuclear war.
17) Frozen Warnings- Nico
I don’t know why people call The Marble Index “unlistenable”. I think it’s a lovely album. Nico herself was a pretty horrible person though
18) All is Full of Love- Björk
I should make a playlist about robot love
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