Where you’ll find me now

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Long time no see. I moved house a few weeks ago, and the inter­net connec­tion has been a long-running (and very boring) bureau­crat­ic saga. Hope­fully from next week we’ll finally have prop­er inter­net. I’ve been keep­ing up with stuff like email either on my phone or work computer, but that isn’t really ideal for things like updat­ing a blog. At least I have unlim­ited data on my phone, which has been very help­ful, although I never want to have to use my inter­net bank­ing site on a phone again as long as I live.

I moved into a prop­erty guard­i­an­ship with my friends Mel & Katie. It’s an ex old people’s home, and living there has its pecu­li­ar­it­ies, but it’s incred­ibly cheap, and it’s really nice to live with friends again after sublet­ting earli­er in the year, living in hotels for work over the summer and then house-sitting my grand­par­ents place/Anna’s flat, and also not worry­ing about afford­ing the rent and bills without work­ing non-stop. More about the strange­ness some other time.

I got a job at a school. Initially I came in to cover sick leave for vari­ous admin tasks, but I soon got put to doing all sorts of design and website things that weren’t being done, and star­ted teach­ing an after-school class about anim­a­tion. Til the end of term I’m essen­tially doing 1.5 jobs, but I come back after xmas part-time, which suits me fine and pays the bills while giving me time to work on other things. I’ve been doing some free-lance design stuff for the school. I’m not really a graph­ic design­er, but they really like what I’ve been produ­cing for them. The project is pretty big, and I’ll be glad to see it finished. The money will also come in pretty handy.

As well as moving house and work­ing a lot, I’ve also been taking advant­age of all the things there are to do in London. There’s no point putting up with the expense, crowded­ness and gener­al incon­veni­ence of the place if you’re not going to take advant­age of the good points. In the last couple of weeks I’ve been to a halloween themed archae­ology confer­ence; a femin­ist confer­ence; the Queer Zine Fest; seen Godspeed twice in one week (once at Brix­ton, once at ATP); seen Slint; seen Tortoise, Tele­vi­sion, Dino­saur Jr, Low, Forest Swords, Les Savy Fav, Múm and Scout Niblett at ATP and been to two lates at the V&A. All those things combined mean I both haven’t been updat­ing this, and also have a bit of a back­log running of things I want to write about.

Apart from doing a lot, I’ve been feel­ing a weird mix of hopeful/​happy because things are look­ing up and I’ve been doing a lot of inter­est­ing things, but also pretty crappy mainly due to winter, sinus/​tonsil trouble, tired­ness, lack of time and some person­al stuff I don’t really want to go into here.

I’ve also been completely re-doing my website from scratch to work prop­erly with phones and tablets. Progress is slow, due to the lack of inter­net at home (except for one corner of the kitchen squeezed against the microwave, or the down­stairs toilet that has been dubbed the “inter­net toilet” due to the fact you can pick up the next building’s wifi). So no zine or print orders until that’s done.

Tomor­row I’m help­ing with 2 events:

In the daytime, my house­mate Mel is help­ing to run this event at the photo­graphy studio/​darkroom she’s been doing a resid­ency at. There’s an open studio with all sorts of demon­stra­tions, and some live music in the even­ing. I did the flyer for her. It’s made of 5 pinhole photos of Corn­wall I did a few years ago layered up, with each layer set as a differ­ent colour.

In the even­ing I’m selling some zines at Fliss’ event at . Come along to both things if you truly love me.

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One comment

  1. I'm really glad you've found a nice job that pays the bills, and I'm glad you're enjoy­ing living in Melanie's place 🙂 It sounds like an amaz­ing place to live!

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