Manchester: North­w­est Zine­fest 2015

Last week­end I went up to Manchester to do a stall and run a Zine 101 work­shop at the first North­w­est Zine­fest. I had the luxury of a day off work, and enough money to take the train rather than coach, and stay at a bed and break­fast. The last time I was in Manchester was well over a decade ago, and it was nice to have a whole week­end rather than rush to and from the event.

North­w­est Zine­fest 2015

I’ll be tabling and running a zine­mak­ing 101 work­shop at the inaug­ur­al North­w­est Zine­fest in Manchester on the 29th of May at the Star and Garter, and having a nice mini-break in MCR and seeing friends. Check out the Face­book event and the website.

Categorised as Zines

Shef­field Zine Fest 2015

I went up to Shef­field again a few weeks ago for the zine­fest, organ­ised by my friends Bettie and Chella, and stay­ing at Rebecca’s with Tukru. I think there must be some­thing around Shef­field in the Spring that I’m horribly aller­gic to. Whenev­er I go up in March or April I have some kind of horrible reac­tion, yet when I’ve been up in the Autumn, no prob­lem. Once when the bus went past Chester­field, a nearby town, my whole face puffed up like a hamster and no amount of anti-histam­ines would deflate it, and was that way the whole week­end, spon­tan­eously deflat­ing again once I was clear of Derby­shire on the way home. I had no hamster face this time, but sinus pain and a nasty rash on my shoulders and naus­ea. Perhaps I’m aller­gic to steel. Nowhere else in the region seems to give me this prob­lem. (It’s also sad because the zine­fest venue has a slide, and I’ve never been able to go on it in any of the years I’ve been, it not being a good idea when you’re pukey or suffer­ing from balance prob­lems due to a giant swollen face and glands.)

Categorised as Zines

Shef­field Zine Fest this Saturday

This week­end I’m going up to York­shire to run a table and work­shop at the Shef­field Zine Fest (Face­book event here) and see friends. I’ll have lots of issues of zines from both myself and Char­lotte Richard­son Andrews and some other good­ies, and I’ll be running a work­shop on getting star­ted with zine-making (and my good pal Tukru will be running a hands-on miniz­ine session).

Shef­field Zine Fest (redux)

I went up to Shef­field for the week­end with Tukru in tow (albeit on separ­ate cheap coaches), to visit Chella and Sarah and run a stall/​workshop at the Shef­field Zine Fest. I had a good time with my friends and meet­ing new people, but I think I’m aller­gic to Shef­field. My face and sinuses swelled up as soon as I got there, and by Sat after­noon my tongue felt so big I could hardly speak (not so great when you’re supposed to be giving a public talk), and I got no sleep Friday because there was so much pres­sure on my sinuses. In a photo of me I looked like the Pills­bury Dough Boy. I took some anti-histam­ines and decon­gest­ants, but it made no differ­ence. My sinuses and face suddenly deflated on the way back around Derby. I’m obvi­ously aller­gic to the North. Or possibly steel. I’ll have to use plastic cutlery forever.

Categorised as Zines

Shef­field Zine Fest

On Saturday I’m going up to Shef­field to visit my friends Chella and Sarah and also do a table/​talk at the Shef­field Zine Fest. It’s from 12-5 at the Elec­tric Works S1 2BJ. There will be around 30 differ­ent stalls, and a full sched­ule of free work­shops, includ­ing one from my friend Cath on femin­ism in zines.

Categorised as Zines
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