аз съм английска, от лондон

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Last week I was in Bulgaria teaching. I didn’t have too great a time, because all of us teachers got food poisoning, and there was one particular class of kids who were a pain, and due to all round tiredness and illness, I didn’t get to leave the dull suburb we were staying in and venture too much into Sofia. I went twice, and here are some phone pics. I’ve got some 35mm ones too, which I need to scan, and some diana ones, which need developing still. I think if I went again to Bulgaria I’d go somewhere in the mountains or coast. Sofia isn’t their top tourist destination, it’s really more somewhere where people work, and the natural scenery of the country is stunning. I’m in the process of writing about the trip in more detail for my zine.


This is Sofia cathedral, right in the centre of the city. The roof is covered in gold leaf, which looks really impressive in the sunlight.


These are the steps of a cafe …


… which I went in for a coffee because I liked the retro stylings and design of the building. Inside they were playing Motley Crue. They really like 80s cheese in Bulgaria.


This is the fresco on the side of the Bulgarian Architect’s Association.


In b&w.


I like to spot Trabants. You don’t see many old cars in Sofia. Most people have a new car which they keep spotlessly clean, and drive over potholed, dusty roads. The very middle of the city centre has been repaved (and they’re slowly working their way outwards), and the motorways are in good condition, but most of the other streets (and pavements) are pretty bad.


Amphora in a garden.


A street in better condition.


Central Sofia

Abandoned driveway

Decrepit driveway in Sofia.

Abandoned house

Equally decrepit front door of the house.

Made in Home decor

A really nice cafe/vintage clothes shop I found, Made in Home, where they grow the vegetables for the food themselves.

Made in Home ceiling

Mladost 1

The exciting world of Mladost 1, where I was staying.

Mladost 1

Hotel room

My hotel room, which was trying to be stylish with raspberry purple carpet, sixties style pink feature wall, marshmellow pink bedding, pale blue walls, dark grey gauze curtains and grey furniture with mirror tops, but just looked a bit odd. I don’t think it’s Bulgarian fashion, because I didn’t see anywhere else decorated like that.


A mediaeval tavern we went to on the Friday with one of the Bulgarian teachers. The food here was amazing. I had parsley croquettes, mashed potato with red peppers, and tomato and bean stew.

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