2012 sketchbook

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While clearing up, I found an old sketchbook from 2012. Here’s some photos of some pages. There’s a weird shame about sketchbooks sometimes- if you’ve been through school art courses in the UK (and I imagine other countries too) you have to submit your sketchbooks for grading by the examiner, making it a big deal that they have to be really nice. It doesn’t help that films and tv always show sketchbooks that look like a full-on edited coffee table art book.

Then if you go to an actual art university the tutors spend all their time trying to drum that mindset out of the students and get them to actually use the sketchbooks to explore. I still felt some weird guilt while flipping through this one that I hadn’t made every page perfect or used every spare scrap of paper!

Notes from a talk when I was working on a course at Bedgebury House- you can see my photos here

Never did get round to drawing anything based on these T.S. Eliot prompt photos.

This was somewhere on the American Prairies in the 1920s- Kansas I think

A castle in Yemen

I regretted colouring this drawing. It became too busy.

From a photo I took in Sofia in Bulgaria

Plot twist- turns out to be made of vinyl, but a lot of the ebay ones are quite withered looking these days

The names of all the different marker colours- so if I bought a new one I could check it wasn’t a colour I already had

Some stuff I found in the pocket at the back. I love these Void Tickets train ticket machines sometimes spit out.

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