Diana Wynne Jones zine- digital edition

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A few years back I made a zine with articles about writer Diana Wynne Jones (probably best known for writing Howl’s Moving Castle), and an interview I conducted with her before she sadly died. The paper edition is still available here, but for the foreseeable future I can only send physical copies to the UK. So I’ve made a digital edition for people to read.

If you enjoyed the zine and would otherwise have bought it, you can stick some change in here via Paypal.

The zine is for personal reading only. Commercial use is not allowed.

PDF version– preserves original page layouts

EPUB version– best for ereaders (has a few issues with layout around images though)

  • Contents
  • How I started reading DWJ
  • Complete bibliography
  • Interview with Diana
  • DWJ and the curse of the terrible cover art
  • Things reading Diana’s books has taught me
  • My favourite: Fire and Hemlock
  • My favourite: the Ogre Downstairs
  • My favourite: the Homeward Bounders (By Kyra Jucovy)
  • My favourite: Howl’s Moving Castle (By Eden Burnett)
  • My favourite: Witch Week (By Hannah)
  • Witch Week as the anti-Harry Potter
  • Adult villains
  • Review of Farah Mendlesohn’s book
  • Polly’s complete reading list
  • The ending of Fire and Hemlock explained

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