Goodbye N17, Hello SE13

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I’ve been really busy the last month. I moved from one end of London to the other, finished one job and did another short-term one, all in the space of a few weeks. When I’ve been at a computer in my spare time I’ve mostly been doing admin for DIY Space for London.

I’ve never been the biggest fan of Tottenham. I moved there in 2013 because a cheap room came up, and ended up living there for two more years just out of convenience. My auntie and cousins used to live there in the 80s and 90s, but they’re long gone to Hertfordshire now. There was never much in the area that I was particularly attached to, the transport links aren’t great, and I felt like I was constantly on transport to get somewhere, worrying about being late.

A couple of weeks ago I moved to Lewisham, to a much nicer flat, to an area I like more. I’m near friends now, with better transport options and a decent local high street, so it’s a massive improvement already. I moved in the middle of the heat wave, and then had to rush off for a couple of weeks to work at a summer camp, so I’m only really just settling in. A desk and some shelves should arrive tomorrow (touch wood), so I’ll be able to unpack properly then as well. I’ve got a big backlog of photos and other things I want to post here: my holiday to Denmark and Sweden, friend’s gigs, book reviews and all sorts of other things. I’ve also got some creative projects I want to work on too.

I’ve also been trying to open a PO Box for my zine stuff, which has been stalled by Royal Mail informing me that my building doesn’t exist. It’s 200 years old, and they deliver post there every day, but apparently it doesn’t exist. I have to hassle someone at the council to officially inform them that the building exists (?!?)

Here’s a playlist I made a few weeks ago at work for your listening pleasure or displeasure (depending). The Chills (one of NZ’s top exports) song mysteriously disappeared in that time, and I had to replace it with an inferior live version, but never mind. I bought the Pixies cover album when I was a teenager, and it was a pretty crappy mixed bag. I remembered it the other day and found it on Spotify: I still like this Get Up Kids version off it though. Native Nod are Chris Leo’s teenaged band from the early 90s who recently re-surfaced on Spotify. I think the rest of the things are fairly self-explanatory.

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