I don’t wanna join yr club, I don’t want yr kind of love (Typical Grrls v2)

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So we had the second Typical Girls last week. It was more successful than the first, we had 20-25 people there. They were all people we didn’t know as well, which was surprising. I made 50 lurid pink cakes covered in edible glitter, and played some Patti Smith and Comet Gain this time. Tukru brought a table full of zines and fundraising stuff for her roller derby team and played some Nicki Minaj and slipped in a bit of Lady Gaga, which made me pull a face. All the cakes got eaten, and even the old men who lurk down the end of the bar had a good time. Hopefully more people and more dancing next time.

Here’s Tukru. All the cool kids dj in aprons.

Here’s me, with a record.

Tukru wrote about it more here (where I nabbed the pictures)

Next one 31st March, Poco Loco, Chatham.

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