
Published Categorised as Austria, Travel No Comments on Krems­mün­ster

Krems­mün­ster is a scen­ic monas­tery town in the north of Austria, not so far from Linz. It’s usually full of busloads of pension­ers to see the famous Baroque Bene­dict­ine monas­tery, but it was closed for repairs when I was there, so it was a ghost town. Which was kind of nice, because they let me in to see the gardens for free as much as I liked, and there was never anyone else there but a few monks and build­ers.

First things first: Austri­an train snacks. There are a lot of people with Balkan roots in Austria, so good büreks are plen­ti­ful. This was a feta one. The Red Bull organ­ic cola is actu­ally really nice (and doesn’t have as much caffeine as actu­al Red Bull), and seem­ingly only avail­able in Austria.

Austri­an train toilets.

It’s always the 70s in rural Austri­an hotels.

View from my window.

The monas­tery stands on a hill above the town and domin­ates all views. “Jimmy’s Pizzer­ia” is also a kebab shop, that did excel­lent falafel.

The book­shop, like most in Austria however, had an appalling selec­tion. Think the Works or those high street branches of WH Smiths that are still inex­plic­ably open with no custom­ers.

The climb up to the monas­tery.

The monas­tery itself.

I surpris­ingly didn’t burst into flames when I walked between these two.

There’s also a moat to keep the sinners out.

Because the place was closed to tour­ists, the court­yard was empty. It would usually have been full of visit­ors. I don’t know if my photos capture the silent, intense atmo­sphere of the place.

There was also a little onsite garden centre, I’m not quite sure if the monks grew the plants or not.

Blight and devast­a­tion.

Ober­ös­ter­reich is on the north side of the Alps, and there’s a lot of dry high­lands in this area.

The Math­em­at­ic­al Tower. There’s a natur­al history museum inside, but it was also closed.

Renov­ated in 1736.

Herb dump­lings with parmes­an sauce. They roll you out of the pub after­wards.

The school was on the right side of this road, but the gym was in some myster­i­ous dimen­sion on the other side of the dual carriage­way, only access­ible via a succes­sion of tunnels. I feel this geodes­ic struc­ture keeps the vari­ous dimen­sions aligned. (There is also an Aldi on the other side of the road).

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