Long time no see

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I haven’t updated my blog since August. Since July I’ve moved house, worked in Cambridge teaching a summer camp, then worked long hours to help make DIY Space for London a reality (it worked, it worked!), and enrolled on a teaching course a few weeks ago. The first few weeks of the course crammed a lot of classes into a short period of time before we started our first placement, so I didn’t really have time to update. I also wanted to take my full name off my blog, to keep it out of the grubby mitts of the kids (I was teaching before in places where the students called me by my first name, at British state schools I’m Ms F- if it were up to me, I’d stay on first name terms) and move it to its own site, with a new layout. All this takes time and energy, of which I had neither. Some of the images and formatting on older posts may be a little wobbly until I’ve gone through everything thoroughly. They don’t always automatically import very well.

I started my placement at a really nice school last week, and then promptly came down with shingles. So my scabby, itchy 5-tablets-a-day self is stuck firmly at home, away from all the children, babies, pregnant women, old people and anyone else who shouldn’t chance getting chicken pox. After feeling dreadful for the last five days, I’m on the mend now, but have to stay at home until Saturday. It’s not all bad though, I perked up today and redid this blog, and it means I have the chance to get ahead with university assignments and paperwork, add some new things to the DIY Space website, and do things like read books or do some crafts or art that I haven’t had the chance to do lately. (I started off doing Inktober, but left it off when I got ill). It also gives me a chance to unpack and sort through some bags of junk from the move.

I also have quite a backlog of photos from Sweden, Denmark and France, book reviews, and all kinds of other things to post here, which I’ll probably prepare in batches, and schedule to post over the next few weeks when I’m busy again.

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