Odds and Ends

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Here’s some nice things I’ve found lately. Starting with this stop-motion cooking video by PES Studios.

  • A website with all kinds of free printable papers for designers, like isometric dots, polar grids, etc
  • Rainy Mood is well-known, but if you haven’t seen it before, and need some relaxing sounds, it always fits the bill. (Muji of all people, are also giving away a phone app which does the same thing)
  • Photos from Yakutsk, the coldest city in the world
  • “I once saw him in his room packing his case before leaving- he rightly declined my help as irrelevant- and it was like a mosaic, every single item lovingly lowered into the place carefully left free for it. It would have been sacrilege to destroy that almost floral arrangement by lending a helping hand” Stefan Zweig describing Rilke packing a suitcase in the World of Yesterday. Rilke- master of German poetry, master of Tetris 70 years before it was invented. For people unfamiliar with Stefan Zweig, he was a top-selling Austrian author of the interwar period, who was forced out by the Nazis. The Grand Budapest Hotel is based on both some of his short stories and his own life.

    annas museum
  • Anna’s Museum. A small natural history collection, collected and curated by a young girl, and displayed to the public in the downstairs windows of her parents’ house in the centre of Brighton.
  • Photo diary of a doctor working for the summer in a tiny village in Nenets in the far north of Russia. (The original Russian version is here, which has longer explanations of what’s happening in the photos, if you don’t mind google translatese)
  • Always a favourite- “How to tell you’re in a novel by . . .” from the Toast. A large variety of different writers to pick from.
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